Things To Consider When Lighting Your Event: Event Lighting Services

February 16, 2022

One of the most important things to consider when planning an event is the lighting. Lighting can make or break your event, and it is important to choose the right type of lighting for your specific occasion. This blog post will discuss a few things to consider when choosing event lighting services.

1. Consider the theme of your event

The type of lighting you choose should be based on the overall theme of your event. For example, if you are hosting a formal black-tie affair, you will want to use different lighting than throwing a casual beach party. The Uplighting Hire Company can help you choose the right type of lighting for your specific event.

2. Consider the venue

The size and layout of your venue will also play a role in deciding what type of lighting to use. For example, if you are hosting an event in a large hall, you will need more powerful lighting than holding it in a small banquet room.

If your event is going to be held outside, you will need different lighting than indoors. For example, if you are hosting an afternoon wedding ceremony in a park or garden setting, then solar-powered string lights (which don’t require any electricity) may be better suited. If your event needs some launch effects, the requirements will be different for that.

3. Consider the time of day

The time of day will also affect your lighting choices. For example, if you are hosting an event in the evening, you will want to use different lighting than if it is taking place during the daytime.

4. Consider the weather

If you are hosting an event outdoors, then the type of lighting should be based on what time it will take place and how much sunlight there will be at that moment (for example, if you are planning a wedding ceremony in mid-afternoon). If your venue is indoors or covered by an event canopy or tent, then this is not such an issue as long as there are not any windows nearby; however, if there are windows near where people will congregate during your party/event, make sure not to use stage lights which can cause glare.

5. Consider the budget

If you are on a tight budget, you may want to consider using less expensive lighting options such as string lights or candles instead of professional stage lighting equipment that can be very costly.

Stage Lighting Example: On top of all this, there is also an added expense in hiring someone who knows how to set up these types of lights properly—which means more time spent researching and searching for qualified professionals before making any decisions! And while they might seem easy enough at first glance (as long as they are plugged into an outlet), when done incorrectly, these fixtures could potentially cause electrical fires if not handled carefully by experienced technicians.

6. Consider the type of event

The type of event you are hosting will also dictate the lighting you should use. For example, if you are throwing a dance party, you will want to use different lighting than hosting a business meeting.

7. Consider the mood you want to create

Different lighting can create different moods. For example, if you want your event to feel romantic, you will want to use softer, more muted lighting. If you are going for a fun and festive atmosphere, brighter colors and more playful lighting fixtures may be better suited.

8. Consider the time of year

The time of year will also affect your lighting choices. For example, if you are hosting an event in December, you may want to use Christmas lights as part of your decorations.

9. Consider the age of your guests

If you are hosting a children’s party, you will want to use different lighting than hosting an adult event. For example, bright colors and flashing lights may be too much for young children, so consider using more subdued lighting instead.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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One thought on “Things To Consider When Lighting Your Event: Event Lighting Services

  1. Luke Smith

    It’s great that you mentioned how the kind of lighting that you pick should be based on the overall theme of the event. We are planning to hold a birthday party next month and we are now setting up the necessary details for it. The party is going to be held at night so we should probably ask for special event lighting services to boost the look of the party.


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