Thanks to its location close to the equator, Colombia is one of the lushest and most verdant countries in the world. Moreover, despite its checkered history, the people here are happy and more than willing to show you areas off the beaten track.
In this post, we explore some of Colombia’s most beautiful destinations to visit in 2022. Read on to find out where you should go on your next trip.
Cartagena is widely regarded as being the undisputed queen of the Caribbean coast. This historic and attractive city has been a Colombian tourist hotspot for many years, and 2022 is no different.
The city is a great place to be both during the day and night. Sightseeing tours run through the old town when the sun is up and then give way to a throbbing nightlife where clubs blare out salsa music until the early hours. There are also plenty of opportunities to explore the city’s colonial heritage, including its role in the slave trade and Spanish Inquisition.
Zona Cafetera
Most of us can’t imagine life without coffee. But if you want to see where it’s all grown, you’ll want to head on over to the Zona Cafetera, a beautiful region where you can ride around in a hot air balloon observing the stunning landscape.
According to Colombians, Zona Cafetera is home to the best coffee crop in the country, perhaps even the world. Tours take you around the region, explaining how coffee is grown and processed before reaching your Starbucks mug.
Medellin was once a dangerous city, but today it is a trendy hotspot and extremely popular among tourists. New government and a wholly different approach to public services have led to a wholesale transformation of the downtown area. As you walk around, you feel like you’re in the center of a European city, not in the middle of a South American metropolis.
If you want to leave the picturesque streets and beautiful hotels in Medellin, Colombia, behind temporarily, hitch a ride on the cable car that goes to Arvi Park. Here you can get spectacular views of the metro area and enjoy the region’s fantastic nightlife.
Gorgona Island
It is hard to believe that Gorgona Island – a tropical paradise – was once a prison. However, since then, it’s become one of Colombia’s most treasured national parks.
What makes it so special? Simple: belly-flopping whales, sublime seas and a long list of endangered species you can’t see anywhere else in the world.
Guachalito Beach
Colombia is home to many beaches, but Guachalito is arguably the most stunning. While it has plenty of sand, it’s the undeveloped bay areas that gives it its charm. There are no ugly phone masts, motorways or tower blocks in the region – just stunning natural beauty and an endless azure sea.
Lastly, no list of beautiful Colombian destinations would be complete without a nod to Bogota, a capital city that has immense character. The most beautiful area is the cobblestoned center. Here, you’ll find plenty of colonial-era landmarks as well as a long list of churches, including Catedral Primada, Capilla de Los Santos Apóstoles and Nuestra Señora de Lourdes.