Best Way on How to Fix Cracked Concrete

November 19, 2022

Like most people, you probably think of concrete as a sturdy, reliable material. But even the toughest materials can succumb to wear and tear over time. If your concrete has started to crack, don’t worry – there are ways to fix it. 

This blog post will show you how to repair cracked concrete using a few simple techniques. So read on for all the details!

What is concrete?

Concrete is a building material composed of cement, sand, gravel, and water. Concrete forms a solid and durable surface when mixed together and allowed to harden. It can be used for various structures such as foundations, walls, sidewalks, and driveways. Concrete can also be stamped into patterns or designs while drying to create an attractive finish. 

As a building material, concrete offers both versatility and strength in construction projects. It also has the added benefit of being relatively cost-effective compared to other options, such as brick or stone. For these reasons, concrete remains a popular choice for residential and commercial construction projects. 

However, working with a qualified contractor with experience in adequately mixing and pouring concrete for optimal results is essential.

Identify the source of the crack

Cracks, when left unaddressed, can turn into major structural issues. Because of this, it is essential to determine the source of any cracks in your walls or foundation. Sometimes the cause is easily identifiable, like an earthquake or a tree falling on a building. 

Other times, however, it may take some investigation to pinpoint the source. Checking for plumbing leaks and assessing the condition of any nearby trees or buildings can provide insight into potential causes. In addition, asking neighbors if they have recently noticed similar cracks can provide helpful information. 

Once the source has been identified, appropriate measures can be taken to address and prevent further damage. It is always better to address cracks sooner rather than later to avoid potential long-term issues.

Clean and dry the area around the crack

According to George Harris, a concrete contractor in Asheville, NC, before repairing a crack in drywall, it is essential to clean and dry the surrounding area. This means removing debris or loose paint from the crack and drying any damp patches with a cloth. Cleaning the site will not only improve the appearance of the repaired area but also ensure that the adhesive used for repair will stick properly. 

It may also be necessary to sand down excess bumps or rough edges before applying adhesive, depending on the severity of the damage. These simple steps can help ensure a successful drywall repair and leave your wall looking as good as new.

Apply a concrete patch to the crack

Proper maintenance of concrete surfaces is crucial for increasing the longevity and attractiveness of any structure. One common issue that can arise is the formation of cracks. These cracks can detract from the overall appearance and lead to further damage if left untreated. 

Fortunately, a concrete patch provides a simple solution. By filling in these cracks, the patch helps to reinforce the surrounding area and prevent future cracking or crumbling. It is essential to choose a patch appropriate for the specific surface and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application. 

Once again, a cracked concrete surface can be transformed into a smooth, seamless surface. Do not delay – address any cracks as soon as possible with a concrete patch for complete protection.

Smooth over the patch with a trowel

When repairing a patch in concrete or mortar, it is essential to smooth the surface before it dries. The best tool for this job is a trowel. Start by pressing down on the patch with the flat side of the trowel, then use the pointed edge to create small circular motions and achieve a smooth, even surface. 

It may be necessary to repeat this process multiple times, as the patch will likely need to be pressed down again as it continues to dry and harden. With patience and attention to detail, a trowel can help create an expertly repaired section that blends seamlessly with the surrounding area.

Allow time for the patch to dry before using or walking on it

When repairing a damaged lawn, allowing the patch to dry before using or walking on it is essential. This is because the roots and soil need time to settle and establish themselves in the new area. Immediate use or foot traffic can disturb the patch and make it more difficult to fully recover. 

It may also lead to uneven patches or dead spots in the lawn. So, although it may be tempting to use the newly repaired area immediately, patience is key in ensuring a successful repair job. It may be necessary to set up temporary barriers or signage to prevent the use of the patched area until it is fully dry and ready for foot traffic. 

Give your lawn some time to fully recover, and you will be rewarded with a healthier, more lush appearance in the long run.

Repair or replace?

There is no easy answer when it comes to repairing or replacing concrete. The best way to determine whether you should repair or replace your concrete is to evaluate the severity of the damage, as well as the overall condition of the concrete.

If the damage is severe – for example, large cracks or holes in the concrete – it may be necessary to replace the entire slab. However, if the damage is relatively minor, it may be possible to repair it with a simple patching compound.

In general, repairing concrete is a more affordable option than replacing it. However, if the concrete is severely damaged or repairs are not done correctly, they may not be effective in the long run. So, it’s essential to weigh your options before deciding what to do.

DIY or call concrete professionals?

If you’re comfortable doing DIY projects, you can try repairing the cracks yourself. There are a few simple techniques that you can use, and most of the supplies you need can be found at your local hardware store.

However, if you’re not confident in your DIY skills or the cracks are too extensive, it’s best to call a professional concrete contractor. They’ll have the experience and equipment needed to repair the cracks properly and ensure they don’t reappear in the future.


If you are experiencing a crack in your concrete, take the necessary steps to identify and fix it as soon as possible. Cleaning and drying the area around the crack is essential, followed by patching the crack with a concrete product. 

Use a trowel to smooth over the patch until it is level with the surface of the surrounding concrete, then allow time to dry before using or walking on it. By following these simple steps, you can extend the life of your concrete and avoid further damage.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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