Travelling with your girlfriend or boyfriend for the first time is a major milestone in your relationship.
Spending quality time together free from the stresses of everyday life can bring you closer together as you get a deeper insight into each other’s personalities and traits.
This can give you a better idea of what it would be like to live with your partner – you will be seeing more of each other in ways you have not seen before.
Your first holiday for two may not be without challenges, though, and the idea is the great dating relationship timeline can be somewhat intimidating.
However, clear communication and a little compromise can make travel dating with your partner for the first time the wonderful experience you want it to be.
Here are a few ideas to help you make the most of your trip together:
Have fun!
Remember that the idea of going away together on holiday is to have fun – it is not a test of your relationship.
For example, meaningful bonding experiences you may be expecting may not quite work out. It does not matter as long as you are enjoying your vacation together.
There will be plenty of time later to develop your relationship when you return to everyday routine – a more grounded environment in which you could be spending the rest of your life together.
So for the time being allow yourself to relax and enjoy each other’s company.
Limit your expectations
Your trip will be more enjoyable if you do not have unreasonably high expectations of the places you will see and the things you will do.
Glossy pictures in online or print holiday brochures can conjure up a mental picture of enchanting romantic settings. In the real world, these might not live up to your expectations.
This can result in disappointment, when the holiday experience might have been great if your anticipation had not been so heightened.
Be flexible
Travel date planning is exciting, but do not overdo it. Leave room in your vacation itinerary for improvisation and doing impromptu things together.
Have a flexible plan about what the two of you will do each day. You could, for instance, pick one daytime activity and a particular restaurant for dinner, allowing space in between to just go with the flow.
If possible, avoid setting yourselves a strict timeline for anything. You could end up feeling pressured and rushed instead of being able to embrace whatever may come your way throughout the day.
Chances are you will stumble across something great you did not expect – something you would have missed out on otherwise.
Try something new
Take the opportunity of your first holiday together to experience things – such as an activity or types of food or drinks – you have not tried together before.
When you are on vacation, you get the chance to do things you cannot or would not do at home. Take advantage of this opportunity to do something completely different and make wonderful memories.
Even if things do not go entirely how you expected, you will have a good story to tell and reminisce about together when you get home.
Trying something new is even more important if one of you has been to your holiday destination before.
It avoids recreating the same vacation and talking endlessly about your previous holiday experience when you should be making brand-new memories with your partner.
Be prepared to compromise
You may find that your idea of a vacation is different from that of your partner. You may want to sightsee all the time when your partner prefers relaxing by the pool, for example.
This is where compromise comes in when travel dating.
Be open-minded about the things they want to do that you would not otherwise have considered yourself. If you show your partner you are willing to compromise for their benefit, they will likely return the favor.
This can be particularly important if you date a younger woman or man.
Do not forget the romance!
It is important to prioritize time for your relationship during your first trip with your partner. It can be easy to slip into buddy-buddy mode and forget you are there as a couple.
So try things such as long walks after dinner or setting aside a specific day on your trip as a date night.