Camping can be a lot of fun, but going without some preparation can lead to an unhappy time. If you have an upcoming adventure and you are unsure what to pack, use this list as guidance. Keep in mind, there are many places to purchase both new and used camping gear. It is still possible to have fun with the proper camping equipment if you are on a budget.
1. Essential Clothes
First things first, you need to pack essential clothes that will keep you dry and warm for the duration of your trip. In general, wool and fleece materials work particularly well. Depending on the season and predicted weather, you may need to pack fewer or more layers. Regardless of layers, however, you will definitely need the basics such as hiking pants and at least a couple of pairs of mens hiking socks.
2. Tent and Stakes
Next, you need to turn your packing thoughts over to your camp environment. Your tent should be near the top of the list. After all, this will be your “house” while you are camping. In addition to having a durable tent that packs up easily, you also need a set of strong stakes and a stake remover for times when they remain stubborn in the ground.
3. Sleeping Bag
Unless you will be camping somewhere with at least some modern facilities, it may not be possible to go camping with an air mattress. Many campers prefer sleeping on the ground anyway. With this in mind, you should invest in a comfortable and durable sleeping bag that will keep you warm through whatever seasons you intend to camp. Consider buying two if you live somewhere with extreme winters.
4. Camping Pillow
Without a doubt, sleeping while camping is a big deal because of the comfort (or discomfort) factor that it presents. Another thing that you may take for granted when sleeping indoors in your bed every night is your pillow. Having a camping pillow is another way to instantly make the nighttime outdoors more enjoyable.
5. Headlamps, Flashlights and/or Lanterns
After the sun goes down, it can be hard to see where you are going when walking around your campsite at night. This is true even if you have a fire going. To prevent accidents and to better see at night, remember to also pack a couple of headlamps or flashlights. A lantern or two can also be useful. Do not forget the extra batteries and/or fuel!
6. Camp Chairs
Few activities are more enjoyable than relaxing around a campfire with good company. One way to instantly make your trip a little less fun is by forgetting your folding camping chairs at home. In the case that you do, you might be lucky enough to find a nearby stump to use as a makeshift seat.
7. Rain Gear
Before any camping trip, it is wise to check the weather, but Mother Nature often has a mind of her own. Even if the forecast predicts sunny skies, it can be smart to at least pack a rain jacket and tarp to help keep the good times rolling if you do run into any unexpected downpours.
8. Insect Repellent
Another quick way for a camping trip to take a downturn is if mosquitos or other pesky bugs invade your campsite. If you plan on being outdoors during the summer months, always invest in insect repellent to protect yourself from bites and stings. Netting, hats and other protective clothing can also be helpful.
9. Hammock
If you have never rested under two trees while looking up at the sky, breathing in the fresh air and pondering life, you are truly missing out. No camping trip is complete with the use of a hammock. Make sure to pack yours. Keep in mind, some trees are not good for hammocking. Protect nature, too.
10. Cooking Utensils
Whether you like to go all-out when cooking outdoors or prefer to keep it simple, one-pot camping recipes might work well for you. Having a frying pan can be one of the best cooking tools to have on hand during camping trips. Make sure to also pack a camp stove, fuel, eating utensils and dishes.
With the right preparation, camping can be an amazing experience. Keep these items in mind as you plan for your next trip.