There’s no feeling in the world like heading off for a well-deserved vacation. Travel is exciting, and opens up a world of sightseeing, physical activity and new foods. However, after a week or two of going non-stop, the fatigue sets in. On top of that, dealing with flight schedules, luggage and immigration can deplete your energy. If you find traveling leaves you drained, here are five great ways to boost your health after a trip.
1. Catch Up on Sleep
There are a lot of reasons why travel is exhausting. From time changes to flight delays, you’ll likely return from your vacation feeling like you need another. That’s why your first course of action is to catch up on much-needed sleep. Even though you might be tempted to start unpacking and doing the laundry, let your suitcases wait. Hop into bed and indulge in a blissful night of sleep without an early wake-up.
When you book your trip, try to schedule a buffer day before you go back to work. For example, fly back on a Friday or Saturday before returning to work Monday. You’ll need a solid 2-3 days to recoup lost sleep and feel like yourself, so try not to resume work too fast.
2. Rehydrate Your Body
Despite your efforts to drink enough water on vacation, it’s common to become dehydrated. Traveling can entail a steady stream of caffeine, alcohol and sunshine, all of which will leave you parched. Plus, the dry air inside an aircraft makes your skin, mouth and nasal passages dry and irritated.
As soon as you return from your trip, it’s crucial to start rehydrating. Be sure to drink enough water every day and supplement it with the best electrolyte powder available. Electrolytes not only help you stay hydrated, but they also support muscle, heart and brain health, as well as prevent cramps.
3. Stock Your Fridge With Healthy Foods
If you’re like most people, you might have overindulged just a bit on vacation, but that’s okay! Traveling is meant for discovering new dishes and allowing yourself special treats you won’t find back home. It’s not unheard of to consume too much sugar and carbohydrates while you’re on holiday.
Once you return home, however, it’s time to make up for all that. Head to the supermarket and stock your fridge with healthy options like fruits, vegetables, eggs and lean meats. Although you’re anxious to get back to eating right, do so gradually to avoid stomach distress.
4. Continue Your Vacation Activities
How many times have you gone on vacation only to come back and discover you’ve lost weight? Losing weight on vacation is no wonder since your activity level is in top gear, but it’s always a pleasant surprise anyway!
While you’re still feeling motivated, now’s the time to continue your favorite vacation activity, whether it’s walking, hiking or swimming. Get involved in exercise classes, or join a health club that has a pool. Get some friends together and go for that hike you’ve always wanted to try. Whatever you do, don’t lose momentum, and you’ll continue to boost your good health.
5. Give Yourself Some Alone Time
Another reason travel is so tiring is the constant stimulation. Whether you’re part of a tour group, traveling with friends or just checking into hotels, you’re dealing with other people non-stop. To find balance, it’s a good idea to spend some alone time once you return. This quiet time allows you to peacefully savor the trip you just experienced, and go through your pictures. It’s also a chance to journal while details are still fresh in your mind. Write down all the places you went to, and what you hope to see the next time.
Returning from vacation is difficult, but you have plenty of options for getting yourself back on track. Giving yourself a buffer day, rehydrating your body and easing back into everyday life slowly are the healthiest ways to do it.