The Rettendon murders or Essex murders Whole Story

March 28, 2023

The Rettendon murders, also known as the Essex murders, occurred on December 6, 1995, when three drug dealers, Patrick Tate, Craig Rolfe, and Tony Tucker, were shot dead in a Range Rover. The murders remain a mystery as the police were unable to catch the person responsible for the killings. Despite extensive investigations and special operations, the original shooter remains unknown. Michael John Steele and Jack Arthur Whomes were convicted of the Rettendon Murders in 1998, but the police officer informer Darren Nicholls raised questions about his testimony. Whomes served his sentence of 23 years and was released on license.

However, Whomes’ sentence was later increased to 25 years, causing his family to suffer even more. His mother, Pam Whomes, was determined to clear her son’s name and not let him serve an unjust sentence. According to her, the police presented a document to her son stating that he had committed the murders, but he refused to sign it. Whomes’ family believes that he is innocent, and there is no evidence linking him to the murders.

The Rettendon murders were a devastating experience for the Whomes family, and nothing can replace the loss they have suffered. The family tried to hide the truth from their children, but they eventually learned about their father’s situation and are now trying their best to release him.

The murders were caused by the trio’s supply of cannabis and ecstasy to Leah Betts, who died from taking the drugs. The prosecution claimed that Steele lured the trio to Rettendon’s Workhouse Lane, where he shot them with a shotgun and fled. Darren Nicholls was also caught for the murders and found with a large amount of cannabis, facing a prison sentence. However, he escaped and was rehoused in different parts of the country, even getting a new identity.

The Whomes family campaigns to clear their son’s name, and they believe that their family will walk free one day. Johnny Whomes was arrested last year for carrying a banner and protesting at the Home Office, claiming that there was evidence that was not tested for DNA. The family hopes that their efforts will lead to the discovery of new evidence that will clear Jack’s name and prove his innocence. The Rettendon murders remain a horrifying and tragic story of a crime that still haunts the community today.

Brought to You By Primestic

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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