Tips For A Long-Haul Travel With Your Autistic Kid

October 25, 2023

Embarking on a long-haul journey with your family is always an adventure, full of anticipation, excitement, and some natural apprehension. For families with an autistic child, this journey is layered with unique challenges and considerations that strangers cannot often even fathom. Each trip and each experience, is an opportunity to learn, adapt, and cherish.

Like many parents, you might wonder, “How do I make the travel experience comfortable for my autistic child?” The key lies in preparation and understanding your child’s sensory triggers.

Preparation Starts At Home 

Begin by familiarizing your child with the concept of a long-haul flight or road trip. Create a visual storybook about the journey, detailing everything from the bustling airport to the serene skies, or stops at gas stations and overnight motel breaks. Platforms like YouTube can be extremely useful, offering a glimpse of the in-flight experience or other locations you may be visiting. This helps set expectations and curtail any unforeseen surprises.

Comfort Is Key 

Traveling is about exploring the unfamiliar, but maintaining some familiarity is vital. Whether it is their favorite toy, a comforting blanket, or even a cherished book, these items can make a world of difference during a long flight or road trip.

Choosing The Right Seat 

When booking a plane flight, consider what environment will be most calming for your child. Do they love staring out of the window, watching clouds drift by? Or would they prefer quick access to the aisle for those little walks that can help break the monotony of traveling? Are there any public parks along your route where your child could blow off some steam after driving for a while?

Entertainment And Engagement 

Though in-flight entertainment is a boon, your child’s favorite movies or music playlists on a personal device can be more reassuring. Moreover, consider creating a sensory kit. New experiences, like a different kind of music or a new game, can be both engaging and therapeutic.

Food Matters 

Always pack some of your child’s favorites, and do not forget to pre-book special meals if your child has specific dietary preferences.


Do not hesitate to communicate your child’s needs to the airline staff or any other assistive employees you may encounter on your trip, such as hotel service workers, servers, etc. They are trained to support customers and will appreciate the heads-up.

After Traveling 

Once you have landed or arrived at your destination, introduce new places slowly. Give your child the time they need to adjust to the new environment. It could be a quiet hour in the hotel room, a soothing bath, or just some downtime with a favorite book.

Traveling with a child on the spectrum requires a mix of preparation, patience, and adaptability. But the rewards are invaluable. As you navigate locations and explore fresh horizons, you are building fundamental memories through experiences, resilience, and understanding. Happy travels!

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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