Once inside, however, they managed to break free, defying Muldoon’s orders for Security staff to shoot them using non-lethal means.
The Big One quickly established her leadership over her subordinates, whom are commonly known as Randy and Kim. Their subordinate Blue is free to roam the island at will. On the whole, a tremendous group of animatronic dinosaurs.
The Big One
In the film, The Big One is the name of the raptor responsible for Jophery Brown’s death and Ellie Sattler’s pursuit. Additionally, The Big One attacked Ellie Sattler’s kitchen crew and killed Tim Murphy; its pack had been terrorizing survivors for some time; these individuals included geneticists, animal handlers and Park workers alike who have come into contact with it. She is known to possess unique problem-solving intelligence with speeds reaching 60 miles per hour.
As soon as power was restored after Isla Nublar’s incident, these raptors attempted to escape their enclosures. Their probing of electric fences even took advantage of human psychology by only attacking when employees were present to disguise their true intent as escape attempts. Muldoon noted that The Big One held an especially deep-seated hatred towards him.
The Big One and her subordinates began hatching between late 1991 and mid-1992, and had reached adulthood by June 1993. Their intelligence was extremely advanced: these raptors could recognize specific human faces and assess threat levels, making them dangerous adversaries for InGen personnel such as geneticists, animal handlers, Park workers, Visitor’s Center staff and maintenance shed staff on Isla Nublar. Muldoon believed these birds were too intelligent for captivity; suggesting their euthanasia. Hammond disagreed and kept them contained by keeping them contained within a holding pen until finally leaving Isla Nublar in 1993.
The Big One abhorred captivity, often testing the limits of electric fences and other restrictive technologies to demonstrate her power and strength. Her superior strength and intelligence enabled her to establish herself as the dominant alpha female; when others tried to usurp her authority she would often snap and hiss at them; additionally she was an adept and strong jumper, capable of clearing heights several times her own.
Fans have given The Big One and her subordinates (Randy and Kim in reference to their animators) the names Randy and Kim; although Muldoon never actually mentions these characters by name. Like most Velociraptor, The Big One was female, acting as alpha of her pack; constantly probing electric fences for weak points where she could attack with sharp claws and teeth.
As Grant, Tim, Lex and Tim find themselves cornered inside the kitchen, Grant attempts to use her sharp talons on them but only hits a cabinet instead. Meanwhile, two raptors continue searching but Lex and Tim manage to lure one into a walk-in freezer that they lock shut before fleeing from another one who chased them up into a Visitor Center skeleton display before heading towards their maintenance shed where The Big One ambushes Sattler from behind her circuit breaker board; she was then able to use gates and stairwells to ultimately trap The Big One inside before she could strike again.
Blue is an intelligent female Velociraptor who leads her group. She can read human emotion and body language, as well as communicating via clicking sounds. Furthermore, her sickle-shaped toe claws make her an expert tracker.
Delta, Echo and Charlie were kept captive at the Park their entire lives in a paddock. Although rarely interacting with other dinosaurs, Delta preferred hunting humans instead of other dinosaurs. She and her three raptor companions found their captivity to be an insult to their nature and constantly attempted to break out, testing electric fences as an act of aggression towards Park warden Robert Muldoon who often misinterpreted these behaviors as threats of escape attempts from within captivity.
After Maisie and Owen free the dinosaurs from the hydrogen cyanide leak in their manor’s basement, Blue is among them. She approaches Owen, who gently strokes her muzzle; when asked by him why she wants freedom like her peers rather than to remain locked away again she replies, “Because everyone else wants me free…”