Discover The Secret To Crispy, Golden Air Fryer Biscuits

June 5, 2024

Are you ready to elevate your biscuit game? With an air fryer, you can achieve perfectly crispy, golden biscuits that rival your favorite bakery. 

If you have struggled with soggy bottoms, uneven cooking, or burnt edges, this guide is for you. We will walk you through essential tips and techniques, from choosing the right ingredients to troubleshooting common issues, so you can enjoy perfect biscuits every time. 

Let us explore how to master air fryer biscuits and make them a delicious success in your kitchen.

Choosing The Right Ingredients For Perfect Biscuits

The foundation of any great biscuit lies in the quality of its ingredients. Start by selecting high-quality, all-purpose flour that will provide a consistent texture and rise. Look for brands that are known for their reliability and performance in baking recipes. 

When it comes to fat, you have the option of using butter or shortening. Butter imparts a rich, buttery flavor and can lead to a more tender biscuit, while shortening can result in a slightly flakier texture. Consider experimenting with a combination of both to find your preferred balance of flavor and texture.

For a tangy flavor and added fluffiness, do not forget the buttermilk. Its acidity reacts with the baking powder, creating a tender and light biscuit. If you do not have buttermilk on hand, you can create a substitute by mixing 1 cup of milk with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes before using it in your recipe.

Prepping Your Air Fryer For Optimal Results

Before you begin baking, it is crucial to properly preheat your air fryer. Knowing how to cook biscuits in  air fryer ensures consistent cooking and helps achieve a crispy exterior. Most air fryers require a preheating time of 3-5 minutes, but refer to your specific model’s instructions for accurate timing. 

Arrange your biscuits in the air fryer basket with enough space between them to allow for even airflow and cooking. Overcrowding the basket can lead to uneven cooking and soggy biscuits. 

Experiment with different temperature settings to find the sweet spot for your desired level of crispiness and golden color. A good starting point is 400°F, but you may need to adjust based on your air fryer’s performance and the size of your biscuits. Keep a close eye on your biscuits during the last few minutes of cooking to prevent burning.

Mastering The Dough Preparation

To prevent tough biscuits, be mindful of your mixing techniques. Gently mix the ingredients until just combined, avoiding overmixing, which can lead to a dense texture. Use a light hand when mixing and stop as soon as the dough comes together. 

For an extra flaky result, consider chilling the dough for 30 minutes to an hour before cutting and air frying. This allows the gluten to relax and the butter to firm up, resulting in a more tender biscuit.

When it is time to cut your biscuits, use a sharp biscuit cutter to create uniform shapes and sizes, ensuring even cooking throughout. Dip the cutter in flour between each cut to prevent sticking and maintain clean edges. If you do not have a biscuit cutter, you can use a sharp knife or the rim of a glass to cut your biscuits.

Air Frying Techniques For Crispy Perfection

Achieving crispy, golden biscuits requires finding the right cooking time and temperature. Start with your air fryer’s recommended settings, typically 8-12 minutes at 400°F, and adjust based on the size and thickness of your biscuits. 

Flip the biscuits halfway through using tongs or a spatula to ensure even browning. For extra flavor and a golden sheen, brush with melted butter before and after air frying.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Soggy Bottoms: Increase cooking time or temperature slightly. Use parchment paper or a thin layer of aluminum foil under the biscuits to absorb excess moisture.
  • Uneven Cooking: Ensure biscuits are evenly spaced and rotate the basket halfway through for consistent airflow.
  • Burnt Edges: Lower the temperature by 25°F and monitor closely towards the end of cooking.

Every air fryer is different, so it may take a few batches to perfect your technique.

Enhancing Flavor And Presentation

Take your air fryer biscuits to the next level by incorporating herbs and cheese for a gourmet twist. Mix finely chopped fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, or chives into your dough for an aromatic and savory flavor. Grate your favorite cheese, such as cheddar, parmesan, or gouda, and fold it into the dough for a cheesy kick.

For a sweet treat, try making cinnamon sugar or chocolate chip biscuits. Mix cinnamon and sugar together and sprinkle it over the top of your biscuits before air frying for a crunchy, sweet crust. Fold mini chocolate chips into your dough for a decadent and indulgent biscuit that’s perfect for dessert or a special breakfast treat.

When it is time to serve, pair your biscuits with an array of jams, honey, or savory spreads to create a satisfying and well-rounded experience. Offer a variety of options to please different taste preferences and allow everyone to customize their biscuits to their liking. 

Expert Tips And Tricks

Seasonal Variations: Adapt your biscuit recipes to include seasonal flavors. Try pumpkin spice biscuits in the fall with cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. In the summer, make strawberry shortcake biscuits by adding fresh strawberries to the dough and serving with whipped cream and macerated strawberries.

Batch Cooking: Prepare large batches of biscuits for gatherings or meal prep. Air fry them in advance and reheat as needed. To freeze, place unbaked biscuits on a lined baking sheet, freeze until solid, then transfer to a resealable bag. Store in the freezer for up to 3 months. Add 1-2 extra minutes to the cooking time when ready to air fry.

Healthier Options: Try low-fat or gluten-free biscuit recipes. Substitute some all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour for added fiber. Use low-fat buttermilk or plant-based milk to reduce fat content. The air fryer’s crisping ability makes it ideal for healthier baking.

By following these expert tips, you will create perfect air fryer biscuits. Use high-quality ingredients, properly prep your air fryer, and experiment with flavors. Share your creations with family and friends. With practice, you will become an air fryer biscuit pro in no time!

Now that you have unlocked the secrets to crispy, golden air fryer biscuits, it’s time to preheat your air fryer and get baking. Share your favorite biscuit recipes and air frying tips in the comments below, and let us continue to elevate our biscuit game together!


  1. Can I use frozen biscuits? 

Yes, you can air fry pre-made frozen biscuits. Simply adjust the cooking time and temperature according to the package instructions, and keep an eye on them to ensure they don’t overcook. Frozen biscuits may require an additional 1-2 minutes of cooking time compared to homemade biscuits.

  1. How to store leftovers? 

Store leftover biscuits in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days. To maintain their crispy texture, avoid storing them in the refrigerator, as this can introduce moisture and make them soggy. To reheat, place them back in the air fryer for 1-2 minutes at 350°F until warmed through and crispy again.

  1. What if I do not have buttermilk? 

If you do not have buttermilk on hand, you can create a substitute by mixing 1 cup of milk with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes before using it in your recipe. This allows the milk to curdle and thicken, mimicking the texture and tanginess of buttermilk.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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