Keeping a close eye on your children is something we all want as parents. We cannot always have our eyes on them, but we will do our best to! As your children grow, you should look at ways to keep tabs on them, even when you are not around them.
Children gain their independence from a young age and once they have that whiff of freedom, you will blink and they are suddenly in their teenage years.
If you are looking to keep an eye on your children as they grow, here are some helpful tips that will ensure they continue to live a long, healthy, and secure life. It will also mean you get a good night’s sleep most nights too.
Secure your home with a home security system
Your home’s security system is important in general but even more so when you have children. When they are old enough to stay alone at home, it is always good to have a home security system in place so that you can keep a watchful eye on them during the day or evening.
While home security systems used to be expensive to put into place, it is now become a lot more affordable. There are plenty of basic security systems in place, but you might want a more tailored solution, especially when it comes to children and pets in the home.
With a home security system, you have ample peace of mind that things are all ok at home with your kids, even when you are not there physically.
Tighten tech security when kids browse online
The tech world is growing more and more nowadays, especially with the online world being what it is now. There are just as many dangers online as there are offline.
Tightening tech security when kids are browsing online is crucial. From the dark web to inappropriate sites for certain ages, you want to make sure your children are not easily accessing these websites.
For example, you can specify certain websites from being accessible or viewable in general. You could also set certain words to not be searchable on the internet. With technology, you have also got browser add-ons and apps that you can use to help set further boundaries where necessary.
Switch off from electronics
It is hard nowadays to switch off from electronics. It is therefore important to switch off from electronics where you can, especially when it comes to your children. With these younger generations, all they know is technology in their lives. From the iPad to the desktop computer, to their own personal smartphones.
Find times when you can switch off from your electronics. This could be during dinner at the table. You could create conversation, rather than having the television on in the background, or having multiple household members on their phones while they eat.
You could switch off the television an hour or so before bedtime, that way you might find that your children will have a better night’s sleep as a result. With the online domain, you might want to limit how much time they spend on there, even if it is to play mahjong. Limiting this time can be good for their health and well-being.
Keep your communication open
Communication is something that you want to be considerate of when it comes to your children. As they get older, they might find it more difficult to talk to you, especially when it comes to personal stuff. Therefore, keeping your communication open with your children is key.
Even the stuff that might make you feel a little uncomfortable or awkward, it is good to be able to talk about it.
If you are struggling to communicate with your children, find out why. It might be because they are hitting their teenage years, so naturally do not want to talk about certain topics with you. There may be other reasons, such as a busy work life that might result in less time spent together.
Help out with homework
While homework is something that you’ll want to encourage to do independently, it is also healthy to assist with homework where it is needed.
Helping out with homework is going to give them the confidence they need to ask questions and to query their confusion with teachers in the classroom. If they are comfortable enough to do it with you while doing homework, then they should feel comfortable asking for help from teachers.
Homework is part and parcel of school life, so it is good to help out where you can. Even if it does feel like you do not understand half of it yourself!
Discuss consent and life’s dangers
Consent is an important lesson to teach and it is one that has been taken advantage of by adults for far too long. Of course, not every person they meet is going to be dangerous, but if they are aware of their situations and know typical scenarios where danger is present, then they can be more street-smart and avoid danger.
Life’s dangers are something to educate your children on. From being wary of strangers to looking left and right before crossing a road.
Talk mental health
Talking about mental health is improtant because many generations have suffered with mental health by simply bottling up how they feel.
Your children’s mental health is a real concern throughout their lives, whether it is dealing with the stress of exams or having to cope with their first heartbreak or experience of death. The more open you are about your mental health, the better.
Allow and encourage privacy
Finally, be sure to encourage and allow privacy. You want to have a watchful eye over your children as they grow but like with their independence, they also need to have some privacy. Make sure you are providing this in the home and outside of the home where possible.
Keeping an eye on your children as they grow is something that will come naturally. Hopefully, with these tips, you can keep tabs on them from a distance at times and enjoy their growth as an individual over the year. These tips will help greatly at every point in their lives, and yours!