Three Ways To Improve Your Business Impression

July 17, 2024

When it comes to running a business, you must make sure you are giving a great impression. This is not about your sales pitch or overall impression from start to finish. It is all about what you look like from face value. What do your customers think about your business from appearance? Is it positive? Or could you do with looking after your business a little more? 

If your business appears dirty and untidy, then your customers may think that is how you treat them. You need to address this as quickly as possible as it could damage your business. But, what do you need to look at, and what will give the best impression? 

Let us have a look below:

Look At Your Reception Area 

If you have an office space, then you need to make sure your reception space is fit for purpose and presentable. This means it needs to have a working desk for your receptionist, a clean and tidy seating area for customers to use, facilities such as hand sanitizer and tissues, bins, and more. You can use your reception area as a place to leave business cards and other business information too. You will find that your customers and clients will read them and take business cards with them. If you have an untidy and dirty reception space that looks cluttered then you are not going to be giving a very good first impression. 

The Outside Of Your Building 

The first thing that people see of your business is the building and outdoor space. If it looks unclean, cluttered, or not looked after then that is the impression that your customers will have of your business. You can be offering the best quality goods or services and they would still be put off. You need to look at things like:

  • Having clear and clean signage 
  • Having clean windows and doors
  • Having clear and marked car parking spaces
  • Getting rid of any potholes in the car park 
  • Clearing gutters and fixing your roof 
  • Make sure any lighting is complete and working

Have a walk around the outside of your business and make a list of everything that needs to be completed. Once you know what you need to do you can start to get in touch with services such as a commercial electrician or roofer. 

Your Website 

This is your virtual business impression and is just as important as a physical store. In fact, with many businesses now being online you need to make sure you have a well-designed website that has a great user experience. You need to show who your business is and what you can do for your customers, give them a way to learn about you, show them reviews, and provide contact information. If you are not online yet or your website needs some work you could always hire a professional web developer to design it for you. 

If you focus on these three areas you should be able to create a good business impression. Remember the first impression on your business is often the only opinion of your business. 

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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