
La Abuela’s Arrival

March 22, 2015
Most Americans take for granted the ease at which they can travel the world. Very few countries require a visa and those that do make it simple to obtain. I was one of those unaware Americans, until I met my Argentinean husband, Lucas. As if thousands of miles between us were not...

Ten Countries I Want To Take My Little Explorer To

February 1, 2015
Today is February 1st, which was my official due date. However, just like his mother (I was born two weeks early), my son was eager to come into this world and graced us with his presence a month early. Thus, today marks Joaquín's first month of life! Before he was...

A Photographic Look At My Adventures In Buenos Aires, Argentina

March 16, 2014
Even though I have been to Buenos Aires, Argentina nearly twenty times now, I am still continuously discovering something new about it and I always leave wanting to return for more.  It has taken me nine years, but I finally realized that the Paris of the South is my "city...

Some Random Musings

January 6, 2014
Happy 2014 from Buenos Aires, Argentina!  I have been in my second home for ten days now and while I have barely survived the intense heat, I have had one beautiful adventure after another and I look forward to sharing all of the details about them here soon.  On another...

Buenos Aires, Argentina: These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

March 7, 2013
Ordering an omelet con queso y papas fritas almost every day. People dancing the tango in the middle of the street. Walking across the romantic el Puente De La Mujar at night. Seeing signs of Evita's memory everywhere. Savoring every single bite of the Placer Real roll at the Sushi Club. Being mesmerized by the incredible...