
How To Make Your Divorce Easier To Cope With

March 6, 2019
When you got married, the last thing on your mind would have been divorce, yet sometimes, for a variety of different reasons, it can happen, and marriages do break down. Because divorce is not something that people plan for, and most assume it will never happen to them, if it does...

Review: Reliefband

March 6, 2019
The day after I found out I was pregnant with Joaquín the morning sickness -- or all day sickness in my case -- kicked in. Every day it seemed to get worse and worse. I kept telling myself it would pass after the first trimester, however I was one of...

Six Ways To Turn Your Kids Into Healthy Eaters

March 5, 2019
You will struggle to find a parent who has not (at least occasionally) felt like a mealtime has turned into a negotiation or even a battlefield. We know what our children need, but this is often at odds with what they want. No one is a naturally healthy eater; our...

CURRENTLY | 02.28.19

CURRENTLY | 02.28.19
February 28, 2019
Watching | Game of Thrones For five years my husband begged me to watch Game of Thrones. Nothing about the show appealed to me. Not one thing! I do not remember how he eventually talked me into watching the first episode, but what I do remember is that sixty minutes...


February 26, 2019
父母最應該做的投資之一就是孩子的護膚品。在初生的數週,嬰兒的皮膚會有很多變化,需要溫和而有效的護膚品,這些產品不難在商店或網上商店如嬰兒用品網購店購買得到。以下便為大家推介嬰兒沐浴產品: 1.嬰兒肥皂和洗髮水 嬰兒肥皂和洗髮水是清潔寶寶身體和頭髮的必需品。為避免過敏和其他刺激跡象,建議家長購買不含對羥基苯甲酸酯和鄰苯二甲酸鹽的產品,這兩種成分都會對嬰兒的器官造成不可挽回的損害。 為安全起見,可考慮有機商店的產品,天然又不添加任何農藥或化學劑,例如由天然植物油製成的卡斯蒂利亞肥皂。 2. 嬰兒潤膚露 嬰兒乳液或潤膚霜可確保嬰兒皮膚在沐浴後保持水潤及光滑。由於嬰兒的皮膚仍然十分敏感,如果它不能有效保濕,容易使其乾燥及發癢。安全起見,也可以考慮有機嬰兒乳液,這些乳液已被證明對嬰兒的皮膚是安全而有效的。 3. 嬰兒油 嬰兒油可在沐浴前後充當潤滑劑和按摩油,與普遍看法相反,其實它們不應該用作保濕劑,因過量使用時會布可能堵塞毛孔。嬰兒油確實有很多用途,比如清潔嬰兒的肚臍。它還有助於治療脂漏性皮膚炎,嬰兒的頭皮會有黃色或棕色的皮屑。要治療這種情況,可用嬰兒油輕輕按摩寶寶頭皮,然後用乾淨的毛巾輕輕擦去。 4. 尿布疹軟膏 更換嬰兒尿佈時使用,有助於避免從尿布中吸收水分而引致敏感。除了保護皮膚免受尿布疹的影響,軟膏也可作為屏障阻隔外來細菌。 5. 嬰兒爽身粉 不含滑石粉的嬰兒爽身粉在換尿佈時非常重要。除了有助保持皮膚乾燥,它還可以防止加劇某些皮疹的擦傷。但父母仍應謹慎使用粉末,以逼免嬰兒出現呼吸問題。 6. 帶微纖維的柔軟面巾 面巾是沐浴必不可少的,因為它們可以幫助洗臉,按摩,並將產品和溫水均勻地塗抹在嬰兒的皮膚上。它們還有助於消除口水和其他排泄物,避免嬰兒的皮膚發粘和發臭。 總結 專家建議父母應該每週給小孩洗澡三次,以避免干燥和發冷。其實大多數嬰兒不需要很多產品來清潔,只要保持這一原則,並適當使用合適的產品,便能確保嬰兒更健康,更快樂。