
Most Common Behavioral Addictions

March 16, 2017
Most people like to live their lives with a certain degree of control; control over their finances or even control over their hobbies, like playing online games or some form of sport. This allows them to exercise proper judgment on their decisions and ensure that they do not go overboard...

Little Washington, North Carolina: Day 2 (Part 1)

North Carolina Estuarium
March 15, 2017
No trip to Little Washington, North Carolina is complete without a stop to the North Carolina Estuarium. An estuary is where a river meets the sea and they are vital ecosystems for many reasons, including the fact that over 90% of seafood species caught by fishermen spend at least part...

Little Washington, North Carolina: Day 1

Little Washington, North Carolina
March 13, 2017
Having lived most of my life in North Carolina, I found it quite surprising that I had never once heard of the city named Little Washington. What a shame it took me almost 35 years to discover this hidden gem located on the northern bank of the Pamlico River! My husband,...

How To Learn To Love To Exercise

March 8, 2017
If you know you should exercise, but resist the idea, it is rarely because you are not convinced of its enormous benefits. Besides the plethora of researched literature on the benefits of exercise, all you have to do to convince yourself is to compare the vitality and health of friends...

An Enjoyable Hobby For All Ages And Skill Levels

Ship Model
March 8, 2017
Building ship models is an enjoyable hobby that has existed for generations. Ship and model enthusiasts, history buffs, people with a military background, and many others enjoy the relaxation and satisfaction that comes from building intricate models and displaying them for visitors to admire. The hobby is often passed down...