
How Meditation Upgrades Your Health And Improves Your Life

March 23, 2018
Meditation is a tradition that is thousands of years old. The more modern form of meditation we know today is believed to have been developed in India more than 2500 years ago. Clearly, it has stood the test of the time for good reason. It is the very act of...

How To Plan A Barn Dance Fundraiser

March 21, 2018
Fundraisers can be an absolute blast for everyone. Whether someone is the organizer, a volunteer, or one of the many guests, a fundraiser provides an evening (or two!) of fantastic entertainment. The people involved in the fundraiser often feel a sense of joy, since doing good usually feels great. The...

Wood Fired Ovens: Delicious And Nutritious Pizza

Florence, Italy
March 21, 2018
Contrary to widespread beliefs, pizza can be not only delicious but nutritious as well when the right ingredients and preparation techniques are used. Toppings such as light cheese, vegetables and succulent fruits can transform this dish from tasty to tasty and healthy. One of the ways to make sure you...

Royalty Free Music: The Best Source For Music Therapy

March 20, 2018
Music Therapy is currently one of the most effective methods of therapy being used worldwide. There is an evidence-based study that uses music intervention in order for a patient to accomplish a certain goal that is within the music therapy program. A well-established health professional will play music, which plays...

Few Useful Insights into CBD Oil for Pain Management – Here’s What You Should Know!

March 20, 2018
The illness that results in body aches and pains bring a lot of discomfort to every person. These mild to acute pains can hamper daily routine and activities. It is here that you need to seek medical intervention and consume pills or apply ointments to ease the pain. However, these...