
Review: RocksBox

April 6, 2015
I never thought in my life I would be able to call myself an "It Girl", but now I can since I have recently joined the RocksBox It Girl community! Rocksbox is a jewelry subscription where you receive three pieces of jewelry per box. You can wear the jewelry as...

Three Clothing Items Every Female Traveler Should Pack

Jaipur, India
March 11, 2015
One of the most difficult tasks for a female traveler is packing. There are some rare women who can survive with next to nothing, however most tend to stress while packing and then inevitably overpack. The grand dream to explore the world with nothing but a camera and a small...

Ask Andi Anything + Borelli Summer Scarf Giveaway (Part 14)

May 29, 2014
Almost every day I am asked interesting questions from all over the world and I thought I would start sharing my responses to them, along with travel related giveaways.  I love questions, thus please feel free to ask me anything in the comments or send me a private message if...

The My Beautiful Adventures Earrings

December 12, 2012
A couple of months ago, a fan of My Beautiful Adventures, Nadine, sent me an incredibly thoughtful email.  In it she explained that she had been a follower for years and that not only had I inspired her travel more, I also inspired her to create a pair of earrings...

Review: LottyB Mustique

September 19, 2011
My dream destination is always the beach.  Of course, I have a few favorites scattered around the globe, however it really does not matter which beach I am at, as long as I am able to dip my sand-covered toes into the water.  My Beautiful Adventures is a blog dedicated...