
Buenos Aires, Argentina: These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

March 7, 2013
Ordering an omelet con queso y papas fritas almost every day. People dancing the tango in the middle of the street. Walking across the romantic el Puente De La Mujar at night. Seeing signs of Evita's memory everywhere. Savoring every single bite of the Placer Real roll at the Sushi Club. Being mesmerized by the incredible...

Buenos Aires, Argentina: Recoleta Cemetery (Part 3)

March 4, 2013
While this post ends my photo series of Recoleta Cemetery, I am certain that there will be more in the future, as it is a extraordinary place I will return to time after time.  As you can witness, there is definitely no shortage of photo opportunities.  I was so captivated...

Buenos Aires, Argentina: Recoleta Cemetery (Part 2)

February 28, 2013
To see more photos from Recoleta Cemetery, please take a look at Part 1.  Because the photo opportunities were abound, I limited myself to only a hundred photos.  It was quite a challenge for me, but I also found it welcoming, since it forced me to be more critical with...

Buenos Aires, Argentina: Recoleta Cemetery (Part 1)

February 25, 2013
One of my most favorite things in Buenos Aires, Argentina is Recoleta Cemetery located in the barrio of Recoleta.  In fact, I like it so much, that I have visited over ten times and will continue to return again and again in the future.  It was the first place that I...

Buenos Aires, Argentina: Palermo Soho

February 21, 2013
Picking a favorite barrio, or neighborhood, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is like picking a favorite child.  Each one has something special and unique about it.  Each one I have created memories to last a lifetime in.  However, there are some that stand out amongst the rest and Palermo Soho is definitely...