
Europe: Day 1 (Part 2)

September 22, 2010
Despite the fact that I loved being in a city where I could walk everywhere, both my brother and I needed a little rest and what could be more perfect than a lovely ride in one of the boats through the canals? The ticket was quite pricey, but a trip...

Europe: Day 1 (Part 1)

September 19, 2010
My brother and I arrived in Amsterdam ready to explore, despite being incredibly jetlagged.  We had less than two days and could not afford to waste one moment!  We dropped our bags off at our hotel and set off for some nourishment in the form of breakfast. We spotted a...

Planning Netherlands & Spain

September 17, 2010
I must admit, a get a tiny feeling of jealousy when I read other traveler's blogs and I see that they come from a family of travelers or at least a family that supports their traveling.  A lucky few even have family members that travel with them!  While I have...

Brasil: Day 6

September 12, 2010
This is how I began my morning: Then I proceeded to have an incredibly satisfying breakfast with about five cups of coffee.  I had a long day and night ahead of me, as I was having to say goodbye to Lucas and flying back home.  Rio 180 Hotel might be...

Brasil: Day 5

September 8, 2010
Lucas and I leisurely enjoyed our last breakfast at Casas Brancas and posed for a couple of more pictures before departing for Rio de Janeiro. My first visit to Brasil was a holiday.  This visit was unexpected.  The next visit will be for my honeymoon (oh yeah, I forgot to...