Tag Archives: business

Mompreneurs: How You Can Stay Productive Working At Home For Yourself

April 9, 2019
Starting a business online from home is far easier than it was in the past as businesses of all kinds utilize freelancers. You could have the skill of writing or web design and as long as the skill is in need you can make money. Building a client base can...

Five Tips To Start Your Business As A Woman In 2024

March 21, 2019
While women have always been underrepresented in the world of entrepreneurship, things are starting to change significantly. Ever since the year 2007, the overall number of women entrepreneurs in the United States alone has grown by more than 30% -- with women currently owning just over 36% of all businesses...

What Are Lead Magnets And Why Do They Matter

January 3, 2019
There is certainly some wonderful potential to engage people with social media, but my suspicion is that many photographers are ignoring a method of online communication that is much much more powerful and effective at reaching out to potential clients and building loyalty with previous ones: email. Email marketing is...

Latest Professional PowerPoint Templates To Boost Your Business Presentations

April 21, 2018
PowerPoint is known to be a visual medium that is right for presentations. However, it is susceptible to user error, the most frequently encountered problem in the world of design. You can learn how to come up with a perfect business presentation, however it takes a lot of effort and...

How To Maximize The Impact Of Your Product’s Box

February 25, 2018
People who own companies, which make products and need to package them, know all too well how important the packaging can be. After all, the first impression a person will make of your product is the packaging. It is therefore important to make your packaging as effective as possible. Whether...