Tag Archives: family

Joaquín’s First Christmas

Christmas 2015
December 28, 2015
I cannot believe that Christmas has come and gone already! I felt like the build up took forever, but then the holiday itself was over in a blink of an eye. Joaquín's first Christmas could not have been more memorable, in fact it felt magical. Just like I mentioned in...

Five Things I Wish I Would Have Done Differently During My First Year Of Motherhood

Christmas 2015
December 23, 2015
My darling boy turns one in two weeks. To say that I am not thinking about this milestone every moment of every day is an understatement. How is it possible that a year could go by so quickly? I honestly think someone is playing a trick on me! Just yesterday, Joaquín...

Easy Holiday Décor Must-Haves From Walmart

Christmas Decorations
December 13, 2015
I am not going to lie, decorating for the holidays with a baby is beyond tough! It took us a month of debating back and forth whether or not to buy a tree. In the end, we bought one, but it was put in a room that Joaquín is not allowed...

A Day In The Life Of Abi

Famous Footwear
December 8, 2015
Abi, which is short for abuela (grandmother in Spanish), is the name my mom is teaching my son to call her. She wanted a special and unique name -- something other than grandmother. She thought about this name for the entire nine months I was pregnant with Joaquín and then one day the...

The Day My Husband Became A United States Citizen

United States Citizenship
December 7, 2015
I was not going to write about the day my husband became a United States citizen, as I had already blogged about the harrowing journey we had both gone through to get to this moment and I did not want to say anything more on the subject. However, I found the...