Since I turned 21, I have celebrated almost every single milestone or special occasion with some type of bubbly. My favorite — being that I am Italian — is prosecco. I recently discovered VOVETI, which is a chic, modern Italian prosecco that embodies affordable luxury and classic style. Affordable luxury? That is definitely rare to find! Not only that, VOVETI is a high quality, craft prosecco; only 15,000 cases are produced annually. VOVETI is a collaborative effort between the Collavini family and the Ferrer family. Each family brings four generations of sparkling wine expertise to the table. Thus, you can imagine that a bottle of VOVETI tastes like perfection! And in my opinion, when you are celebrating something important, that moment deserves perfection.
Thus, what were my biggest moments of celebration in 2016? The following are my top five that were definitely celebrated with some type of bubbly:
- Joaquín turning one (and now he is quickly approaching two). I thought 2015 was both the most challenging and best year of my life to date, but toddlerhood is even harder than babyhood. However, I love it and would not change a thing. People ask me all of the time when we are having a second child. My honest answer: we stopped at perfection (for now)!
- Buying our first home together on Joaquín’s first birthday. Owning a house is also extremely challenging, but I feel so grateful every single day that I wake up that this place is now ours forever!
- Having the courage to travel twice this year with a toddler. I am beginning to get my travel-bug back and we plan to go on a BIG trip in 2017 with Joaquín!
- Finally getting diagnosed, treated, and being pain-free after battling two extremely long years of debilitating back pain. I will not go into too much detail about this, but being pain-free feels like I won the lottery!
- Celebrating five years of marriage with the love of my life. It still baffles me — even twelve years later — how we just so happened to find each other 10,000 miles apart and from that chance encounter we have now created an extraordinary life together!
What was your biggest moment of celebration in 2016?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.