Tag Archives: life

Seven Tips To Declutter Your Life

May 10, 2018
It seems to be a common theme in the modern age that people's homes have way too much stuff. In fact, it has gotten so bad that there is a specific word for it: clutter. Although it varies from person to person, very few people would likely say that they...

Review: Glossybox

May 5, 2018
First, I must admit, I am not a beauty junkie. I was once, but now I invest any extra money into expensive haircare and skincare products. Maybe if I am going on a rare date with my husband I will throw on a bright shade of lipstick, but that is it....

CURRENTLY | 05.01.18

May 1, 2018
Watching | American Idol and The Handmade's Tail So, I was loooving the diverse cast of American Idol this year, until this past Sunday when my two favorite singers were voted out.  It is interesting that one was transgender and the other was an immigrant. They clearly had the best...

Three Ways To Get A Better Night’s Sleep

April 21, 2018
Rest is important. Not only does it make you a more productive employer, a more patient parent, and a more energetic spouse, it also makes you healthier as a person. If you are lacking in the sleep department, then it is finally time to get on track with your slumber....

Kissimmee, Florida: Day 1

Disney World
April 19, 2018
The only word that comes close to describing the feeling of waking up in the "happiest place on earth" on my son's third Birthday is surreal. We had waited so long for this moment to arrive and now it was finally here! If you have been following My Beautiful Adventures...