Tag Archives: life

Addiction In The Elderly Population

Addiction in Elderly
February 2, 2023
Most people associate drug abuse and addiction with young adults. While it is true that young people as a group have a higher risk of substance use, the evidence for the elderly population is, to put it nicely, sparse. Despite a lack of proof, it is commonly considered that adult...

How Do You Know If Mold Is Affecting You?

February 2, 2023
Molds are minute fungi that live in the plant's microcosm, but cannot manufacture sustenance from sunlight or air. They are made out of filament clusters and devour degraded plant and animal materials. Molds may be found both indoors and outdoors, and they reproduce primarily by releasing spores into the air....

The Safest Family Cars In The World: Our Top Five

Safe Car
February 2, 2023
Every year, crash-testing organizations put thousands of cars through their paces, testing models for safety features and weaknesses. They then combine their findings into a report and rating, telling parents how safe a vehicle is.  What is great about this system is that it is all third-party. Manufacturers send their...

The Surprising Connection Between A Healthy Smile And Success

January 31, 2023
A smile is worth a thousand words… yawn!.. But did you know that a healthy smile could also be worth a thousand bucks? What may sound too good to be true, is actually backed up by research. The data tells us that there is a surprising correlation between a healthy...

Six Tips To Keep Your Health On Track In 2023

Healthy Life
January 27, 2023
Many people must have written "prioritize health" at the top of their New Year's resolution list this year. But how much of that resolution will come to fruition? Unfortunately, this fast-paced, hectic life does not make it easy to stay healthy. From juggling work and family responsibilities to social life...