Tag Archives: mental health

Stepping Out

September 20, 2018
You used to go out more. Then what happened? As we get older, we have less and less time to get out and enjoy ourselves. We have jobs, responsibilities, and, perhaps, families: do we really have time to cut loose and step out for the night? We should make time....

Brauns Law, PC: Key Tips On How To Improve Your Employees’ Mental Health At Work

February 12, 2018
Mental health deals with the psychological, social, and emotional well-being of humans. It is essential in each stage of life from childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The processes of mental health deals on how people think, act, and feel emotions. It also pertains to the choices a person makes, handling of...

What Is The Potential Impact Of HCG For Mental Health

Mental Health
January 24, 2018
Trainer Academy In the 1950s, Dr. Albert T. Simeons promoted Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or HCG as a weight loss aid. The hormone is capable of burning and mobilizing stored fat, which is crucial for weight loss. Many people found the hormone very effective for their needs, as long as they...