Tag Archives: Michael Osland

Michael Osland explains 3 Ways to Lose 3 Pounds in 1 Week

Michael Osland
February 23, 2022
[caption id="attachment_62807" align="alignnone" width="700"] Michael Osland[/caption] Forget quick fixes that don't work, forget fad diets, and forget magic pills because all you need to do is change your lifestyle…forever says Michael Osland. Seriously though losing 3 pounds in 1 week can be done easily if you follow this guideline -...

Michael Osland shares 3 Tips on How to Get a Ripped Body

Michael Osland
February 23, 2022
[caption id="attachment_62803" align="alignnone" width="700"] Michael Osland[/caption] Have you ever thought about getting a ripped body just like your favorite celebrity? You can always imagine yourself having that perfect body and impress the girls with your six pack abs says Michael Osland. There are many ways on how to get a...

Michael Osland- We Need To Talk About Mike Mentzer And His Controversial Approach To Body Building!

Michael Osland
January 18, 2022
[caption id="attachment_61927" align="alignnone" width="621"] Michael Osland[/caption] One of the more entertaining aspects of bodybuilding is how it can be used to illustrate philosophical concepts explains. For example, the existence of 'bigorexia' indicates that our culture's narrow definition of manhood causes many people to suffer from poor self-image. As a result,...

Michael Osland- The Pros/Cons Of Using Steroids In Sports – Does It Even Matter?

Michael Osland
January 18, 2022
[caption id="attachment_61923" align="alignnone" width="650"] Michael Osland[/caption] Anabolic steroids in sports are a topic that has garnered plenty of momentum over the years; with debates raging on both sides, opinions are definitive and nothing short of polarized says, Michael Osland. Yet one thing is for sure, whether you're pro-steroids or anti-steroids...

How To Improve Mental Health In Seniors: Insights By Michael Osland

Michael Osland
September 29, 2021
As we age, it is common for us to develop problems with our memory and experience a decline in our cognitive abilities. The problem is more common than we may assume. According to a study conducted by the CDC of people aged 55 or more, as many as 20% of people...