Tag Archives: motherhood

Five Healthy Skin Tips For New Mothers

February 23, 2016
After all of the hormonal and physical changes of pregnancy and labor, new mothers can experience a number of skin concerns that were never an issue before. Getting back to healthy, beautiful skin can feel like a pipe dream that you never actually have because you are not getting enough REM sleep....

Five Things I Wish I Would Have Done Differently During My First Year Of Motherhood

Christmas 2015
December 23, 2015
My darling boy turns one in two weeks. To say that I am not thinking about this milestone every moment of every day is an understatement. How is it possible that a year could go by so quickly? I honestly think someone is playing a trick on me! Just yesterday, Joaquín...

The Five Most Brave Moments In My Life

Bungee Jumping in Macau
October 13, 2015
After writing and publishing this incredibly personal post, which took every ounce of bravery I had inside of me, I began to to think about other brave moments in my life. I have always loved that from a young age, I have been filled with an abundance of courage, curiosity,...