Tag Archives: style

How To Prepare For Lollapalooza With Cottonelle® + Gulliana Rancic Festival Kit Giveaway

Cottonelle® with CleanRipple® Texture
July 25, 2016
Some of us extremely lucky ladies will be attending Lollapalooza in Chicago, which is sponsored by Fabprom, and this post is specifically for them. Even if you have attended festivals in the past, it is always helpful to read packing tips for future ones. Personally, when I have attended festivals, my...

The Ring Symbology Of Each Finger

July 8, 2016
There is more to wearing rings than simply adding a piece of beautiful jewelry to your hand. Rings have meaning. They represent a lot more than we imagine, especially when worn on specific fingers. Historically and culturally, wearing a ring on a specific finger bore deep meaning. Learning the symbolism...

Review: Anjolee

June 5, 2016
One of my most prized possessions is my jewelry collection. I am not one of those girls that buys a bunch of cheap trendy jewelry that lasts a season. It seems like clutter and a waste of money to me. When I buy, I buy knowing this is a piece I...

Derby Garden Party Photoshoot (Part 2)

Derby Garden Party
May 10, 2016
If you missed Part 1 of the Derby Garden Party that I photographed, click here to view it. Since I published that post, my photos have been featured on three more very well-known websites: Hostess with the Mostess, Kara's Party Ideas, and Pizzazzerie! My first post focused on all of the gorgeous details that...

Derby Garden Party Photoshoot (Part 1)

Derby Garden Party
May 2, 2016
I recently had the great fortune to photograph a fabulous event called the Derby Garden Party, which was designed and styled by the über-talented Sarah Sofia Productions. You can check out her blog for even more details here. The photoshoot was also featured on the ever-so-popular Sweetly Chick Events & Design website....