In the midst of doing my very best to enjoy some pink champagne and chocolate strawberries courtesy of Faena Hotel + Universe in my bridal suite, we were notified that the men had finally arrived.
The bubbly was simply not a strong enough match for the butterflies in my stomach and my nervousness was only exemplified with the news. My Mom, not being able to resist, had to have a sneak peak at what they looked like.
She eventually returned and proclaimed in her wise wisdom:
My darling daughter, you have most handsome groom in the world eagerly awaiting to become your husband, so now it is time for you to finally relax.
Lucas spent the hour before the wedding practicing his vows over and over.
While I spent it preparing to put the dress on.
I love fashion — always have and always will. However, having traveled to some of the most developing nations in the world I always think twice now before spending an exorbitant amount of money on it. I honestly do not understand women who spend thousands and thousands of dollars on their wedding dress. It makes no sense to me to spend that kind of money on something you only wear once. Thus, before I went wedding dress shopping I set my budget quite low. I thought it would take me months to find the dress of my dreams for the price I was willing to pay and was completely shocked when it turned out to be the second dress I tried on.
Then I heard a knock on the door. My Dad and brother had come to check on me. Seeing how handsome they looked completely took my breath away.
My Dad, upon seeing me, was speechless as well. I cannot imagine the emotions he was feeling, as I am his only daughter (he has three sons).
Since the ceremony was soon about to begin, everyone left me except for Kyle, my wedding photographer. I took a couple of deep breaths and posed for some more photos for the last time as as single woman.
Which is your favorite photo?

Your hair looks absolutely precious. What a sweet look!
Thank you so much!
How could I pick a favorite, all of them are so precious! I’m glad you were able to relax and enjoy your big day, despite the set backs that came your way.
Thanks my darling friend!!! <3
And – had you not told the internet about the cost of your stunningly beautiful dress – no one have been any the wiser! However, I love that you shared that, especially in the era of “Say yes to the dress”. You are truly a woman after my own ($600 wedding dress) heart!
I was THIS close to not saying anything, but it’s something that I thought about A LOT during the wedding process. I kept hearing these stories of women spending as much on the dress as they did on their wedding and it blew me away! I can understand $1-2k, but $10k??? That’s a new car! I love that you only spent $600 and I bet you looked like a Goddess in it! Do you have a picture of your dress that you could send me?
It is hard to choose one favorite, but I really love the 3rd one from the bottom! Your smile is amazing, you know you’re doing the best thing in your life and the light is really beautiful!!:)
Not to mention the beautiful dress you have! Love it!
I was delighted to finally have that dress on! I had waited WAY too long!!! I felt like a million dollars in it, too bad I was SO nervous though! I’m humbled by your precious words, merci!!! Bisous!
The photo of you touching your brothers chin is my favorite. It just seems like such a sweet and special moment shared between siblings. Of course, the rest are gorgeous too!
I’m so blessed to have him has a brother. He’s such a treasure! Thanks sooo much!!!
What a beautiful bride! Love how you wore your hair!
Thank you!!! Yes, I decided that I was most comfortable with my hair down and not up. I love it when it’s super curly — I feel like a Princess!
What beautiful wedding shots. Who did the shots? My fav. has to be the 1st black and white one of you. You look so happy and a great moment to capture.
I hope you guys have a great life together! A lovely looking couple.
Kyle Hepp did the shots! She’s the best wedding photographer in the world!!! Thanks a million for your kind words — I’m so touched!
You look sooo gorgeous!!! I love the picture of you with your family. I also love the last one– the exposure is so interesting and you look like an angel!!
Angel Andi! I love the sound of THAT hahaha!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words.
Love love love the one of you looking at yourself in the mirror-double gorgeous Andi! The one of your dad alone is precious. I am an only child too. He looks so happy.
I think that is my favorite dress shot as well! I feel like that’s the only shot where I look completely relaxed and like myself. Isn’t my Dad precious??? I tear up every time I see his facial expression in that shot!
fantastic photos!!! you are beautiful!!!
Awww thank you and thank you!!! XO
you look absolutely beautiful. i love the one of your family, on the couch.
Thank you!!! Yes, I’m definitely going to frame that one!
All your photos are stunning! The shot with your family is really lovely too!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Look at you all. Swanky!
I have to say… the picture of your mom with the guys gives a glimpse into what her personality must be like. Adorable.
3/4 of the time she’s adorable!!!
Thanks for your comment!
Reaction photo of you seeing your dad and brother – such a marvellous expression on your face!
I agree!!! That shot is PURE emotion!
Your parents have the best facial expressions in these, I love it!
They’re pretty cute, but they were a bit tipsy too haha!
First of all, these photos are out of this world! The one of you looking in the mirror is fantastic. Second, I applaud you for being sensible about your dress spending (and you still looked like a million bucks, as they say!)
Sooo out of this world, right!?! Kyle is so freaking talented!!! I LOVE the one of me looking into the mirror and thanks for the applause. XO
You look beautiful Andi! And what interesting, unique photos.
Thank you sincerely!!! I’m glad you liked the photos!
Great photos, they are all really good. Our two favorites: the one with the mirror, and the one with you and your family. You have to tell us how much you paid for your dress, we are dying to know!
Yeah, it’s kinda unfair that I make everyone pick their favorite pic when I can’t even pick my own favorite haha! I actually paid around $200! I’m not ashamed to say it!!!
Your dress was extremely luxe looking…impossible to believe it wasn’t expensive! But you could make a paper bag look good
Hahahaha, oh Kyle how I love thee!!!
Best wedding pics I’ve EVER seen!
What a fabulous compliment, thank you!
Que hermosa, Andi!
Not just your dress but your beauty, your spirit and your excitement just light up these pictures.
Awww gracias linda por tus palabras re dulces!
That Kyle woman is amazing, isn’t she? I love all these shots. I particularly love the one of you looking in the mirror in the pink camisole while putting your necklace on. You look soft, peaceful and stunning. I am loving this journey!
And I’m loving everyone’s sweet comments that are filling my heart with so much joy! Thank you love for your kind words!!! Yes, Kyle is a whole different level of amazing!
Andi your hubby is a lucky man!
I’m blushing right now!!!
Wonderful dress, you look stunning!
Thanks from the bottom of my heart!
Just like you!
Love the reflection on the mirror, it’s #magical
It’s my favorite shot too, I’m definitely getting it framed!!! Mil gracias linda!!!
The wedding dress pics are fab!!
Kyle did such an awesome job photographing them!
Andi, you are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing all of these lovely photos! I enjoy seeing them and getting to hear all the stories.
I’m so touched by your kind and thoughtful words and I’m delighted that you enjoy the photos and stories — more to come soon!
WOW! Stunning pictures!
I tell ya’ that Kyle is a genius!!!
I completely agree with you about the price of wedding dresses! At the wedding shop where I work, some dresses are up to £6000 (and as you’ll well know from shopping yourself, that’s the lower end of the market!). Beautiful as they are, I just can’t imagine spending that much money on something you’ll only wear for one day. So glad you managed to find such a stunning dress for such a great price! Thanks so much for posting all this – it’s not often I get to indulge in reading about two of my favourite things, weddings and travel, all at once!
One of my patient’s and I were discussing wedding dresses, as she was getting married around the same time as me. She didn’t even blink an eye when she said that she had spent $15,000 on her dress. In fact, she almost looked elated that she had found it for THAT price! It makes me sick to my stomach. I understand that this is a once in a lifetime (hopefully!) occasion for women and we want to look our absolute best, but there ARE dresses out there that are gorgeous AND for a reasonable price. I spent more on my shoes than my dress, but I’m okay with that because I wear my shoes all of the time!!! I’m delighted that you loved the post and my dress. XO
Great post, the dress is lovely.
Thank you SO much!!!
You have to be the most beautiful bride in the history of brides!!!
Haha who paid you to say that??? My husband?
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow….these are such beautiful pictures! Awesome…especially the second one and the one with the bride looking at herself in the mirror in her wedding dress…
That’s my fave too! Glad you liked them!!!
Wow Andi, these are some really great photos. I hope it was everything you had hoped for. Many blessings and well wishes.
Thank you so very, very much for your loving words!
My fav pic was the one where you saw the guys…you looked so happy!
I was SO happy in that moment!!! God I love those 2 men!
What a lovely collection of photos. The diversity and range of expressions makes this a memorable set.
And what a lovely comment, thank you!
YOU LOOK AMAZING. Congrats on your big beautiful day!!
xo Leslie
Awww thank you X infinity! XO
Your photos are amazing!!! I think it’d be hard to choose one as the best!!
Perfect answer!
That shot of your dad totally made me tear up!
Isn’t it precious!?!
My god you look like a princess!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks oh so very much!!! XO
I love the one towards the end where you are looking in the mirror. Kyle is an amazing photographer, but you are a good subject matter!
You always say the perfect things!!!
My god you look like an angel!
You are WAY too sweet!!!!!!
You are absolutely stunning ,Andi. BTW- where did you go on your honeymoon?
THANKS!!! Brasil!
You look absolutely stunning and I love seeing your family all together for the special day! It is so sweet that your grandparents sent you something so they could be there in spirit!
Thanks so very, very, very much! Glad you were able to view the pics, I know you said that you were having a difficult time viewing them. XO
Big big congratulations! You two are going to live such a happy life together.
And a big thanks! I think so too!!!
wow so beautiful i loved it really i like it a lot
I’m delighted to hear that!
I may be a little late to the party but I just had to take a moment to say that your dress was lovely and it looks you have just a wonderful family, too. My favorite picture is easily the one of you looking in the mirror, you can just see how much you are glowing and here’s my big belated congrats!
Thank you for such a wonderful comment!!!!!!