Before my husband, Lucas, and I arrived in Koh Mak, Thailand we made sure that we were both on the same page in regards to whether or not we would accept the offer to manage Good Time Resort. Both of us had to be in agreement; if one of us wanted to say yes and the other say no, then we would turn the offer down. We were in this together. Having said that, we wanted to say yes more than anything.
Good Time Resort is owned by Yodying, whose father was the original founder of the island. Yodying likes to call himself “a man with a thousand stories,” as he was once a Buddhist monk, a flight attendant, a secret service agent for the German President, and then finally he decided to follow his heart and dedicate the rest of his life to building the resort. Every single thing that exists on the property was created with Yodying’s imagination and hands. For seven long years him and his family have worked tirelessly to see his dream come to fruition. They still have a long way to go until they can consider themselves finished, however they desperately need a break. This is why they had decided to travel the world for a year and were seeking a couple to take over management.
Yodying showed Lucas and I to our magnificent private villa, which was big enough for a large family.
We had been warned plenty of times that Good Time Resort was not a luxury hotel and that Koh Mak was a simple place. Thus, we knew what we were getting ourselves into. I thought to myself who cares if there are days where I will not have internet service or that there is not a hospital on the island, instead I will choose to focus on the fact that I will be able to wake up and smell exotic flowers every day.
And that I would be able to practice Chinese Medicine in the resort’s beautiful spa. I had a million other ideas running through my mind as well, like creating a destination wedding package or bringing other travel bloggers to the resort in exchange for press.
However, at the end of the day our answer was no. We were devastated. For so many months we had let ourselves fantasize about what our new life in Thailand would look like: we would befriend our fascinating international guests, learn some Thai, maybe I would even find the time without all of the distractions that exist in the Western World to sit down and write my novel. Unfortunately, the decision to say yes or no had been taken out of our hands. Another American couple had said yes before we even had the opportunity to and were already living at Good Time Resort and learning how to manage it. I do not know why Yodying kept this from us and still had us travel all the way to Koh Mak with the intention that the job was ours for the taking? We never asked him why he kept this a secret, rather we took it as a sign that this was just not meant to be. The reality is that even if there had not already been another couple hired, we would have said no anyway. While we were there several things happened such as a guest having a major accident and needing to be emergency evacuated to Bangkok and the head chef quitting causing the restaurant to shut down. We simply did not have enough experience to handle those types of events, especially without being able to speak Thai, since no one on the island spoke English. We probably would not have last more than a month.
My heart was aching and I needed to process the grief, thus I decided to go for a walk around the property. I stumbled upon a statue of Buddha and I was reminded of a quote of his, “There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.” We had dared to dream big and lost in the end, but at least we had tried. We could return to our life in Charlotte, North Carolina with our heads held high, because the mistake was not in taking a chance, the mistake would have been ignoring that Facebook message.

Great lesson to learn out of the opportunity – its good to always be a positive thinker. and a trip to thailand isnt a bad consolation prize either!
My thoughts exactly darling!
This is a great and a very inspiring story! I absolutely believe in destiny. Everything that happens, happens for the best
I am sure something even more exciting will come along very soon.
I’m so glad you were inspired, that’s why I wrote it!!!!! Everything totally happens for the best and for a reason, I believe that very strongly. XO
WOW! I was waiting anxiously for this post! What a great opportunity and what an heartbreaking decision! You must have been torn apart trying to figure out what to do, Thailand is such an amazing place! In the end, I’m glad everything worked out just fine even if the job was alread taken…As you said, you dreamed big and you tried and now you know instead of wondering all your life “what if?”
Life will bring you somewhere else, I’m sure!:)
Can’t wait to see where it brings us next, I love the surprises that life is full of! It was a heartbreaking decision and trust me it would have been quite the adventure, but I know with all of my heart that it wasn’t right for us and also now I know even more so that I want to manage my own hotel one day!!! <3
Like you said, maybe it wasn’t meant to be Andi.
That being said, what a piece of paradise. For the most part, I prefer non-luxury hotels to franchised ones too
Yes, it was sooo beautiful, but just too remote for us at the end of the day! Would be a great place for a couple weeks vacation though!!!
Your post reminds me of when I was looking for a new job. Every rejection felt devastating, but in the end I got the job that was right for me.
This wasn’t your time to start a hotel but look what amazing memories/gorgeous photos you have from your trip! When the time is right, you’ll know and you’ll be ready.
I LOVE this comment, you are 110% right!!! XO
I met a couple in Nicaragua who were managing a hostel on the beach. It seemed the greatest thing ever, but in reality, they were constantly busy, had very little privacy and time to themselves, and could not travel. I’m sure there is something exciting out there for your guys that will be even better.
I agree, there is definitely something better for us out there! And yes, I don’t think people realize how much blood, sweat, and tears goes into managing a hostel/hotel.
Wow, what a great lesson. High five to both of you for taking the best view of a seemingly negative situation. Knowing what we know about you guys though… your travels and adventure can only get more exciting from here! You both know that you’re up for crazy plans now… and when you say YES, crazy plans tend to unfold
Thank you sooo much for the e-high fives! I’m all about finding the positive in the negative and saying yes to crazy adventures!!! Thanks so much for your support!
Great post, Andi – although I do find it bizarre that they still got you to go there even though they’d already given the position to another couple?! Very odd indeed.
But hey at the end of the day, que sera sera. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of more amazing opportunities in life, so try not to dwell on what could have been, and go and find your next adventure!
It was really bizarre! We talked in great length with the other couple, who didn’t know if they were going to be able to last a year, since the situation was so stressful. They think that Yodying was afraid that we would back out and so whoever got there first he would give the job to. Just wish we would have told us that from the very beginning!!!
At the end of the day, que sere sera like you said! We really let go of our anger and sadness the second we left Koh Mak and haven’t looked back since. It was a great experience even though it didn’t end the way we wanted it to.
Heartwrenching! I’m so glad you were able to move past the devastation and being mislead (how rude!), to see the bigger picture. I hope another, even better, opportunity presents itself very soon!
Thank you sweetheart, you’re so kind!!! XO
Oh Andi – I’m so sorry! I do love the quote though… “There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting”…and think that you lived it to the fullest. You could ‘if only’ your life away so I’m glad you didn’t go down that road and just let it go as soon as you could. There will be other great opportunities that will fit much better I’m sure.
Thank you sweetheart, what an awesomely supportive comment, it made my heart smile! Isn’t that a great quote?
That quote and your story really pierced my heart, Andi! Perhaps the silver lining of your experience is that you are inspiring a lot of us out here to START. I know that you will find a truly awesome opportunity, the perfect one for you and Lucas.
Awww what an amazing comment, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!!! I hope hope hope I inspire others to dream big.
I for one think it’s great that those things did happen while you were there to give you a fuller idea of what you might be getting into, and based on that you could leave at peace with the fact that you and Lucas weren’t moving there. It still looks like a beautiful place for some relaxation though!
Yes, you are so right!!! That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.
Wow what an experience!
That it was!
I imagine it must have been a most difficult decision to make and while I think it’s inevitable to have a few ‘what ifs,’ you must know that other opportunities will come along! You started and that’s what counts!
Absolutely!!!! Like my Mom always said, “Chin up, boobs out.” Hahahaha!
Great shots!
Thanks Mark!
Poignant post!
Thanks Beth!
Wow! What a roller coaster experiencing– thinking of changing your life completely for a job offer in Thailand and then finding out it isn’t even available. That must have been frustrating! Fortunately you have a great head on your shoulders and sense of perspective
Oops! Sorry for the typos. I sound like a non-native speaker
Haha you’re so cute!
It was definitely a roller coaster!!! But we walked away with no regrets.
There’s a bigger, better plan in the works here. You are one of the sweetest women I know and I truly believe that there’s something amazing out there for you. I don’t know what it is. I don’t know when it’ll happen, but I know that you deserve only wonderful things in your life.
Keep up that positive attitude, Andi.
Miss you!
Thank you gorgeous for your thoughtful and supportive words, they mean the world, lots of love to you!
Love that quote. And you have exactly the right attitude. This wasn’t meant to be, but at least you tried. So many people don’t even do that… Something good will come of this if it hasn’t already
Great quote huh? That Buddha…he was so wise!
My life is SO beautiful, it would be a sin to complain for a second.
Sorry to hear it did not work out, but it sounds like it was for the best anyway. They say when one door closes another opens.
It sure does, I totally believe in that!
Wow Andi you are a rockstar!
Thank you Alex!!!!
Oh wow! This is certainly a great loss but an important lesson! I hope you learn why they kept the secret from you… that is a mystery I wouldn’t be able to live with!
Instead of getting into a huge fight with Yodying, we just enjoyed our remaining days in paradise. In my next post I will talk a little bit more about the situation though!!!
Hi Andi, I had a gut feeling that it would be a “no” on your part (even if the other couple was not in the picture). But the fact that you and Lucas even considered checking out this opportunity is something deeply remarkable. Now you can both move forward and not say you didn’t try. Congratulations for the courage.
WOW – what an incredible story! – sad that u didn’t get the opportunity – but like u – i totally believe in signs – and hey u got a chance to go to somewhere u might of never visited before! – best of luck with everything doll!
I’m so glad you connected with our story! And yes, that’s how we left Koh Mak, so happy we followed our hearts and that we got to see a part of the world that most people will never have the chance to visit!!! XO
Andi, I had been so consumed in wrapping up my last field project in Mexico and preparing for this massive life transition back to the US that I had no idea this was on the table for you. I am crushed that it did not pan out, but I am a FIRM believer in everything happens for a reason. When the time comes to live this dream, or any other dream that feels true, it will happen. I smiled when you told me on Instagram the other day that you have synchronicity tattooed onto you, as it is one of the words I am living and breathing right now.
This is my first comment from Boston, where I am attempting to make a new home for me and Elijah as we both embark on this new chapter of life. My head is spinning and heart swirling, but we are boht grateful and dreaming. Please say hello if you pass through – it would be such a treat to hug you!
OMG I had no idea 1) that you were in Mexico and 2) that you’ve been reunited with your love. Eeeeeeek I’m so so so happy for the 2 of you! A million and one congrats. Synchronicity is a powerful force in this world that shouldn’t be ignored. Every time I have become aware of it and followed it, it has led me to life changing things! Best wishes with your new life — may it be filled with lots of smiles! I promise to let you know if I should pass through Boston. XO
Amazing story truly complimented with snapshots.
Hope to see you in India with some new stories.
Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope to return to India sometime soon!!!
I, too, believe that it probably just wasn’t meant to be. However, what a beautiful place to visit!
Yes, very beautiful! Just now our home…
im sorry things didnt work out in yalls favor, but at least you tried…besides…there are certainly bigger and better things awaiting you
Amen sista!
My god, Andi, what an amazing post. And what an amazing place! Breathtakingly beautiful. Thank you for sharing this, it was incredibly inspiring! Upwards and onwards
Awww you made me all teary-eyed! I’m glad my post/pics touched you!!! I like you’re thinking: upwards and onwards! <3
Sounds like it worked out for the best, but at least you know you are ready if similar opportunities arise!
Ah well, I had a feeling this might be the outcome… I figured you would have spilled it to me beforehand if not
I’m sorry this one didn’t work out but you know what they say about one door closing…
Yes, you would have been one of the first people I would have told!
It’s okay dear, I look forward to our real door opening!!!
Well, like you said, “everything happens for the best” thanks for your honest post!
You’re so welcome!
awh, as the saying goes – everything happens for a reason! am sure that you guys will find another experience that is just as fulfilling and meaningful
still glad you guys got the opportunity to explore this lovely place though!
I am sure we will find something 100X better! Can’t wait to find out what it is.
Awesome post Andi!
Thanks Henry!
Wow, what a letdown–but I honestly think it was a blessing in disguise. Every time I go back to wanting to own my own B&B, I talk to friends who do and hear about what a 24/7 job it is with little or no vacation, and then I decide I’m better off visiting B&Bs than running one =)
Hahaha yes probably true! That’s why when we have one in Brasil it will be VERY small!!! And I mostly want to attract people who are into health and wellness and will want acupuncture in my little spa.
It’s so important to realize one cannot have everything…something I am learning with Erika every day of my life. But what an amazing experience and opportunity—now you have a great memory and lovely contacts and who knows what might happen down the road. Love this post!
I’ve known from an early age that you can’t have everything you want in life, my parents did a great job teaching me that!
Yes, we definitely left grateful for the amazing experience and opportunity — it definitely made us better people! So glad you enjoyed the post!!!
Definitely a good lesson, and what a positive attitude!
Agree and thank you!
Certainly is a beautiful property. I think staying there could be considered the 2nd prize, which isn’t so bad either. I think as well the things that happened while you were there, the emergency and the chef quitting were signs that maybe this just wasn’t the time for this particular adventure.
You’re right! 2nd prize is definitely not so bad!!!
what a great quote! and a great opportunity to travel to a remote island
So true!
Interesting that he did not tell you! I wonder if he wanted the press? But it sounds like this wasn’t the place for you. Just think – the more resorts you learn more about (operations, etc.) the more ideas you get for perhaps starting your own someday! =)
Yeeeeeeees!!! I like your thinking!
I don’t know why, probably never will, just know that it wasn’t the right place for us.
Such a great story, Andi. Like you said, what is meant to be, is.
I”m behind on my commenting. I was on my way to the Homestead Resort when this came out. Glanced at it on my mobile. Never can properly respond on there.
I’m always so delighted when you comment!!! How was Homestead Resort? XO
Oh, what a shame! I was already planning my trip there
I think you’ve got the right frame of mind – what’s meant to be…
Hahahaha I would have LOVED to have had you as a guest!