Before I created My Beautiful Adventures, I travel blogged for many years on Travbuddy. Through that platform I was able to meet a lot of extraordinary people all over the world who are as passionate for exploration as myself. One of those travel addicts, Cata, became one of my closest friends. We have traveled in the United States and Colombia (her home country) together and have been there for each other through breakups, Graduate School, marriages, and now her latest grand adventure: motherhood. Without a doubt, she is one of my soul mates in life. This past June, when my husband Lucas and I visited Miami for his Birthday, afterwards we took a quick road trip to Tampa to visit her, her husband, and their beautiful new baby girl Emma. It was love at first sight for me and Lucas! To document our special day together, I decided to do an impromptu photo shoot at lunch and then later in the park. Watching Cata interact with her daughter made me adore my friend even more. I cannot believe how much our lives have changed and the precious child she has created. I can only hope that one day I will be half as good of a mother as she is. . .

Those EYES!!!
Emma’s eyes are just amazing!!!
Those babies! Oh my goodness. They are beeeautiful and the photos do seem to really capture thathint of magic in their eyes
love that last one!
It’s actually the same baby haha! She looks different? Thank you for your kind words!
Just beautiful. Amazing eyes
I agree!
That kid has quite the set of beautiful eyes!
She sure does!
I will treasure these pictures forever. I’m so lucky to have you as a friend and Emma as an aunt. Just b careful bc I think she had a crush on Lucas!
thank you for coming a the way here to meet her!!!! I’m sure that you will be even a better mom than me! Starting with knowing what to do with fevers !!!!! Te queremos muchooooo
I’m so glad that you loved the photos. I’m even more glad that we got to see you even if it was for only 24 hours. Haha I’m sure our baby girl (hopefully one day!) will have a crush on Andre. Love you so much!!!
I can’t decide which pictures to frame. I don’t get tired of reading what you wrote, the comments, and looking at the pictures. Thank you everyone for the nice comments! Emma has stolen our heart.
I think the first one is my favorite, but I also love the one where I’m touching Emma’s nose and of course the one where she’s kissing Lucas haha!!! Her face is just sooooo adorable in all of them. What eyes and smile she has — so gorgeous like her Mom! <3
That baby is so happy! I love seeing happy babies! I especially like the one where they’re reaching out to the mosaic.
She is SO SO SO happy!!! <3
OMG! How adorable is she?!
Beyond adorable!!! Ahhhh I miss her so much!
How utterly gorgeous, Andi!
I’m SO glad you have such a beautiful, loving friend in your life. 
Thank you sweetheart, I’m so glad too! She takes SUCH good care of me!!!
Hi Andi… Those are some amazing pictures you took! They are my family’s favorite pictures as well, they love them! So not only are you a great writer but also a fantastic photographer…
It meant so much to Cata and I that you travelled 4 hours out of your way to come meet her and spend the day… and now we have these wonderful pictures to thank you for.
Next time you come to Tampax (you like my nickname for our city?), or we go to NC, it’s my turn to be in the next batch of pictures
See ya soon!
PS: Thank you all for the great compliments on Emma
Andre F
Andre! It is so nice to hear from you my friend!!! I’m so happy that you like the photos. I wish that I had had more time to take pics of Emma and Cata. I could have easily taken 1,000. You and Cata created the most beautiful little person. I can’t wait to watch her grow into and even more beautiful woman. Thank you so much for your kind words, I can’t express how much they mean to me. I promise that Lucas and I will visit Tampax (hahaha!) again, but please feel free to visit Charlotte ANY time! I definitely want to take pics of you and Emma together. A father’s love for his daughter is one of the most extraordinary things in life. Mucho amor!!!
What a beautiful baby and friendship. So glad you enjoyed Tampa with such an incredible friend!
Thank you X a million!
What gorgeous photos – I will have to hire you to fly to Australia and take photos of my baby! I love the last one.
Ummmmmm I would be on the first flight out there haha! I love taking pics of babies!!! Congrats again on yours.
Oh my God, Emma is so so delicious I want to bite every chunk of her. And oh, those eyes. Love the photo of her kissing Lucas. Really beautiful photos, Andi. You should add “baby photographer” to your resume.
I’m touched with the friendship you have with have with Cata. Truly special.
Hahaha I kept saying that to Cata, “I want to eat Emma!”
She’s just the most adorable baby I’ve ever encountered. Filled with so much love and happiness too! Isn’t that pic sooo cute of her kissing Lucas? She was in love with him. He would say, “Emmmmma…” and she was just smile the biggest and most beautiful smile. Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean SO MUCH to me! XO
That is one baby that could give Butterfly Diary’s baby Erika a run for her money as cutest baby.
Hahaha soooo cute right!?!
LOL Ted! It’s a close call… Erika is beautiful too
She is very beautiful too!
OMG such an adorable baby and amazing pics! I love how vibrant and clear her eyes are– you can actually see the reflection in some close ups. When I saw your tweet, I thought this was going to be your baby/pregnancy photo shoot– thought you might have some big news!
Yes her eyes are magical, I have never seen eyes that color before! Haha, no big news yet…
Las fotografias divinas !!! Las modelos bellisimas!!! Y una amiga increible como tu. Gracias por todo…..
Awwww gracias Yolanda!!! Que dulce! Me amo tu nieta, ellas es una angel. Muchos besos!!!
Such amazing photos! Cata and Emma are gorgeous and you captured them so beautifully…
Thank you sooo much, what a lovely thing to say. XO
Both Mom and daughter are beautiful!
I couldn’t agree more!
Emma is so adorable, and you got great photos of her! Cata is lucky to have you and your pictures
Thank you! I’m so lucky to have Cata and Emma. Just wish you could have been there!!!