Being pregnant, giving birth, and taking care of your baby can leave little room for anything else. After going through such an incredible journey it may seem rather frivolous to start thinking about your appearance. However, if anyone deserves a little time, love, and care, it is you! Carrying a baby will often change the way that you look at your body, it can also change the way that your body looks. We understand that this can feel a little overwhelming, so it is perfectly understandable to wonder when you might begin to feel more like yourself. Below are four ways to help your body recover from pregnancy and birth:
Energy Levels
Any new parent will understand just how tiring it is to look after your baby. At times it may feel as though your entire life is spent cleaning dirty nappies, washing Babygrows, and doing the late night feed. If you are breastfeeding, you will also be going through a lot of physical stress and strain. Therefore, it will not be surprising if you find your energy levels starting to lag. Combat this by resting, eating healthily, and staying hydrated. Although it may feel like the last thing you fancy, try to do a little gentle exercise like yoga or Pilates. If it is a bit soon for that, try a gentle stroll with your baby in the great outdoors.
Tummy Troubles
A woman’s stomach is one of the main areas that is affected by pregnancy. The baby will have, in the first place, stretched your stomach area, and following birth will leave you with a small pouch of loose skin. There are some simple core building exercises that you can do to counteract the effects of birth on your skin. Remember, never embark upon an intensive exercise program immediately after giving birth and consult your doctor if you are concerned about starting exercise again.
Your skin can also go through a lot of changes during your pregnancy. Some women are lucky enough to get the “pregnancy glow”, while others end up with acne or dryness. You will probably find that shortly after giving birth your skin will return to normal. However, you can help your skin by moisturizing and exfoliating. Bio Oil is a great option for fading stretch marks. You could also research whether any spas in your area offer postpartum packages, as this would be a great way to relax and indulge in a little me time.
Some women find that they lose hair during their pregnancy, more often than not it is not a drastic amount lost, sometimes you can just notice that your hair is a little thinner than normal. If you want to help your hair back to its previous state, why not consider hair growth products for women? These will help you to get thicker, stronger, healthier hair than you have ever had before. They are also quick and easy to use, so it will not mean spending too much time away from your baby or outside of your normal routine.