There is no better way to connect with nature than a camping trip. Camping out in the wilderness can be an incredibly therapeutic experience and particularly in a day and age where people spend huge amounts of their time inside and attached to their phones. Fortunately, the USA is somewhere with many brilliant places for an unforgettable camping trip, as it is a country with outstanding natural beauty. Although, you are spoilt for choice in terms of places to camp, it can still be difficult to decide as you will want to find somewhere that is perfect for a fun, rewarding and valuable camping trip:
Joshua Tree National Park
Located in southern California, the Joshua Tree National Park straddles the Mojave and Colorado Deserts with stunning rock formations, Joshua trees, cacti, and vast stretches of open desert. It is a great place to disconnect and be at one with nature, so it is no surprise that it is one of the best places for a camping trip in the entire country.
Acadia National Park
A gigantic 47,000-acre expanse featuring thick woodland, rocky beaches, huge granite peaks, and epic blue lakes, Acadia National Park is a camper’s heaven located on Mount Desert Island. Due to the sheer size of the park, there are lots of great camping spots along with outdoor activities to try, wildlife to spot and also small towns to explore/pick up supplies.
Denali National Park
Encompassing a staggering 6 million acres of Alaska’s wilderness, the Denali National Park is a must-visit for any nature enthusiast and an ideal place for a unique camping trip. The highlight is the magnificent 20,310 ft Denali, which is the tallest peak in all of North America. It is a great place for hiking with trails for all abilities and plenty of rare wildlife found throughout the park.
Zion National Park
Nature lovers should not pass up the opportunity for camping St George Utah and Zion National Park as this otherworldly part of the USA is known for amazing red sandstone cliffs, a gorgeous climate and wide array of plants and animals. It is a popular spot with campers due to the lovely views and hiking opportunities, plus it can also be straightforward to arrange your trip through Visit St George.
Grand Teton National Park
Located in the breathtaking state of Wyoming and widely considered to be one of the best National Park’s in the world, Grand Teton National Parkis home to Rocky Mountain peaks, huge lakes, an abundance of wildlife, and the incredible Jackson Hole. Unsurprisingly, it is very popular for camping, hiking, fishing, mountaineering, and other pursuits and you will struggle to find a better place for a special camping trip not just in the States but the entire world.
There are brilliant places to camp in every region of the United States, but the above places all stand out from the crowd and showcase the country’s great natural beauty. Camping trips should be able getting back to basics and connecting with nature and these are all fantastic places to do this.