Music is a gift to humanity. It speaks to everyone irrespective of age and language. There are several forms of music and uncountable musical instruments. Some of them are popular as the guitar, drums, and piano, and some of them are lesser known like the Didgeridoo and Kamancha. However, getting lessons in one form of music and learning to play one musical instrument can help a person understand, and, sometimes, play other instruments as well. For example – if you know how to play the piano, you will find mastering a synthesizer quite easy. Moreover, you will be able to read music that will help you learn other instruments.
Piano lessons help adults and children alike in many ways. These are facts from scientific research and published literature that show the positive effects of learning to play the piano. Here are a few ways it can help your child –
- Piano lessons help children with school work
Pianos lessons help children with their school lessons. Children, who pick up an instrument early in their lives, almost always, perform better than their friends, who do not take music lessons. The piano is a complex but beautiful instrument that requires patience, persistence and practice. It increases the qualities that help children be more attentive in class, understand their lessons, approach life with logic, and perform better on tests. A study shows that preschoolers that take regular piano lessons score up to 34% higher than their peers. Besides, when Juilliard is so nearby, why not give your child all the extra help he or she needs for admissions?
- Improves coordination
Playing the piano smoothly requires excellent hand-eye coordination. A person has to multitask flawlessly to do so. The child has to read music and move both hands independently at the same time. Children who take up the piano exhibit enhanced motor skills. Honestly, for any beginner, playing the piano is a challenge. Thankfully, most children are natural at taking challenges and enjoy overcoming them. Learning to play improves their dexterity.
- Increases focus
This point is as valid for children as it is for adults. Reading music takes a great deal of attention. The person has to read, understand and translate it to actual music on the piano. It improved their attention span and boosted critical thinking. People who play the piano have better cognition and logical problem-solving skills. In short, playing the piano assists vital and creative thought processes. That means your child will not only get a chance at winning New York music competitions, but he or she will also perform better in the Geography Bee, Math League, Spelling Bee, and Science Olympiad.
- The Piano helps with wholesome development
Children need something intuitive, immersive and wholesome to develop their hidden talents. Every child has some gifts, and piano lessons can help bring them out. Playing the piano can help your child pick up another instrument later in life. Moreover, they get to listen to classical music. According to several research papers, classical music aids in the proper development of the brain. It has a positive effect on a person’s personality, and it improves the skills they have already acquired. If you live east of New York City, try seeking out piano lessons on Long Island near your home for yourself or your child.
- Helps with language skills
In a study from the 90s, scientists have shown that children who take piano lessons usually have enhanced language skills. The “Mozart effect” is the effect of classical music on the spatial-temporal intelligence of children. Another interesting study by Dr. Charles Limb shows that children who practice solo use the language centers of their brain almost exclusively during play. It is as if they were having a conversation with music. Learning the piano will improve their chances of picking up Spanish, and French, the two most common languages of New York apart from English. Growing up multi-lingual is a blessing for those who want to apply for Ivy League schools or study linguistics later in their life.
- The Piano boosts creativity
The piano is the magic key that opens up the doors to creativity. Almost all famous pianists are famous for their mad creative prowess. A study by Dr. Ana Pinho showed that when jazz pianists perform, the part of the brain that provides stereotypical responses are inactive. They rely on their improvisation skills that result in their unique style and sound. So, if you are checking out the Long Island Jazz Festival, or heading to The Jazz Loft or The Side Door, don’t forget to pay attention to the quirks and singularity of each player’s style.
- It helps with time management
People who pick up playing the piano early in their lives almost always have a better sense of time. Taking lessons and practicing it regularly helps learn time management and organization. It demands regular practice. Most children learn to give time for their soccer games, swimming classes, gymnastics, school, homework, and piano lessons quite naturally. It’s a great way to improve time management in children who appear to be sluggish or just disinterested in other activities. The development of cognition also helps with their organization skills.
- Improvement of self-esteem through piano lessons
Children who receive piano lessons for long periods display higher self-esteem than those who don’t. A study of fourth-graders in 2014 showed that those who received piano lessons for over three years scored higher on self-esteem evaluation tests than those who were not musically inclined. Learning to play and the sense of achievement that comes from mastering the instrument boosts the self-confidence of a child tremendously.
- Piano reduces anxiety and stress
Most parents worry about over-burdening their kids with more lessons and classes. They often shy away from adding music lessons to their children’s daily schedules. However, research shows that piano lessons can channel negative energy into creating music. Even children in leading Long Island schools face these challenges almost every day. In many ways, piano lessons can be viewed as a holistic treatment for mood disorders and depression. The music and the movements help elevate the player’s mood.
- Fosters kinesthetic skills
Children who participate in piano lessons exhibit better neurological and psychological improvement than those who exclusively participate in sports only. They move away from watching TV or playing games all day. Their brains get a chance to develop more naturally. Children learn from their daily practice sessions and lessons. As a result, they perform much better at school than their non-musical peers.
Piano lessons might seem like a leap for a child, but children can pick up new skills more easily than adults do. They need new challenges in their lives to give them something new to achieve. Moreover, music is an excellent icebreaker at parties and social gatherings. You can give your child an edge over others by giving them the chance to learn the piano today.