The corporate space is a dynamic and ever-changing one. Frequent market changes and increased competition characterize it. Every corporate employee has his/her defined goals for which they are working. Everyone wants to outshine the other and get ahead with promotions and a high pay package. However, from an organization point of view, while companies welcome such competition, they also need their employees to work in co-operation and harmony to execute specific tasks and projects better and in time. It is where all the employees need to work like one team, with complete focus.
Importance of team-building
Each employee has their distinct needs, goals, and ways of thinking. And this often comes to clash when they have to work together. When there is a task at hand to complete, employees need to set aside their personal agenda and ego and work as a team. To foster this feeling of oneness, companies today organize for team building activities. To know more you can browse through and read more.
Advantages of charitable team building events
In recent times, many companies have shown interest in charity events and tweaking the same into a team-building exercise, such as The Great Gotham Challenge. Some of the important benefits as follows:
- The element of something new
Usually, team building activities take place within the premises of an office. Sometimes, that result in monotony. And even though it is something other than work, employees do not feel so. Hence, when it comes to a charity event, employees feel extremely motivated as it is something new. Chances are they have to step out of the office premise and visit a new place to take part in the activity. It gives them the required break from work and instills them with new vigor and zest for work.
2 . The feeling of contributing to society
Money is essential in today’s world where the cost of living is always rising. However, there is more to look forward to than money today. Sometimes, employees need to connect to a more significant cause to feel good from within. It is where a charity event works well. By contributing to social and global causes, like teaching destitute in an orphanage and distributing food packets to flood or earthquake survivors makes employees feel counted within. They think that they are giving back to the society of which they are a part. And this fosters a fellow feeling, which is beneficial when they have to work as a team in the office.
3. Enhances communication skills
A team building does not happen in a way where employees are left secluded. It is rather the opposite. There is increased engagement and communication within members. It could be that colleagues who don’t speak often get paired in one team. Such activities in the form of winter fire camp or food distribution camp help to enhance the communication skill of employees. They know how to communicate both with tact and compassion.
There are several other benefits for charitable events
that get woven into team building activity. It gives meaning and mileage to a
social cause, which otherwise got held for lack of both capital and resources. Today,
you have specialized service providers who can help your company to prepare for
such events in a hassle-free way.