Vaping is something that has become more than just a hobby and it can be argued that it has become more of a lifestyle. There are many vape flavors and designs out there which truly accentuate the experience of vaping. It is fun and easy to vape. However, there is an issue of some countries banning vape usage.

If you are travelling to or live in a country where vape is banned, then it is important for you to know that before you get in trouble with the authorities. This article will help you know if the country you live in or plan on travelling to allows you to vape or not.
The best way to find out if the use of vapes is allowed in a country is by checking their website. Many countries regulate the use of electronic cigarettes. Some countries have no regulations in place, while others ban vaping altogether.
Licensed Devices
Countries such as the UK have made it clear that they intend to place strict restrictions on vape use and only allow licensed devices to be used such as in the case of medicinal use. The use of electronic cigarettes in the US is legal just like the UK. However, there are fewer restrictions in place in the United States and adults are permitted to vape or use electronic devices. Minors on the other hand are banned from using such devices.
Pending Status
Canada does not allow for the devices to be sold as they only allow for nicotine-free devices to be used in the country. However, people can be found using the devices as the law isn’t as enforced as other countries.
Banned Use
Many countries such as the Seychelles, Singapore, Uruguay and Brazil have banned the use of electronic cigarettes. Other countries such as Nicaragua, Gambia, Cambodia, Turkey, Jordan and Qatar have also made it illegal for people to use electronic cigarettes. You can get fined heavily in countries like Singapore if you are found in possession of or using electronic cigarettes that contain nicotine.
Rest of Europe
The European Parliament has passed laws which allow for the use of electronic cigarettes by adults. There are regulations in place which control the chemicals used in the vaporizers as well as all the ingredients in the vape liquid like space jam e juice to be disclosed.
Be Cautious
As a rule of thumb, it is important for you to be cautious and only use electronic cigarettes for vaping when you are certain that it is permissible to do so. Many countries have strict laws in places for controlling the use of such devices. Therefore, you should do your research before boarding a flight to a new place.
Laws are changing
The laws in most countries are changing and many parliamentarians are pushing to legalize the use of vaping devices all over the world and to tax such devices in order to raise more money from indirect taxes. The trend which is being seen across the world is such that vaping would only be legalized.