Everything from the food that we eat, to the exercise we do, to the amount of stress we’re under can affect our love lives – for better or for worse. If you feel that the intimacy you and your partner used to share is suffering as a result of a hectic schedule and busy family life, you’re not alone. However, by making a conscious effort to put things right, you can get your love life back on track. Here are three lifestyle changes that could help.

Make time to talk about your problems
Stress is a notorious mood-killer. Whether you’re worried about work, under financial strain or agonising over your abilities between the sheets, you’re unlikely to find your sex life improving if you’re feeling stressed. The first step to tackling these problems is to open up about them.
Worrying about sex itself can be a vicious cycle and a particularly difficult topic to talk about. If you’re having difficulty getting in the mood, talk to your partner about what you enjoy in bed. Slowing things down and making time for foreplay can make your desire skyrocket. If your partner is having trouble getting or maintaining an erection, don’t take the problem personally. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common problem that can be resolved. Depending on the underlying cause of your condition, everything from losing weight to reducing stress levels can improve this issue. If your partner needs medicine to treat the problem, you should bear in mind that you can easily and safely buy medicines and other ED treatments through online doctor services such as https://www.msinsight.dk/erektil-dysfunktion-impotens/ .
Upgrade your diet
When you feel bloated and sluggish, you don’t usually feel very sexy. If your diet consists of nothing but rich and fatty foods, you may feel less inclined to jump into bed with your other half. Following a balanced diet can help you to maintain a healthy weight and feel more energetic. Certain foods, too, have been touted as libido boosters, including watermelon, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, almonds and oysters. You have nothing to lose by adding these foods to your diet in moderation and they could help you to improve arousal.
Move around more
Regular exercise can enhance both your physical and mental wellbeing and, as a result, boost your sex drive. You don’t have to spend hours at the gym to experience the benefits of physical activity. You can weave exercise into your everyday routine by walking to work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or simply play games that increase your heart rate with your kids after school. You could even take up a hobby with your partner to increase your fitness levels. For example, you could take up a dance class or start running together. This could also help bring you closer as a couple.
Remember that, like other areas of your life, your love life needs time, care and attention. You can’t expect things to improve overnight but a relaxed, can-do attitude can take you and your partner a long way.