Some investments you could make in your home or the business property might not need to be “locally sourced.”
Roofing materials, siding, gutters, solid doors, even some landscaping materials… many of these items are produced by great, reputable manufacturers and shipped to Denver-area projects from outside the state.
And they serve adequately, or even quite well, in most cases… even when installed by crews from outside the area who might specialize in projects of those specific types.
But when it’s time to replace leaky, drafty, faded old windows, smart Denver-area property owners know that “going local” is the only way to go.
You’re wise to do business with a professional local window installation company with deep expertise in the specific problems posed by Colorado’s weather, elevation, and often-fierce sunlight… a company with lots of experience anticipating and solving those problems.
And such a reputable installation company will recommend just the right windows for your Denver-area property: beautiful vinyl replacement windows made right here in Colorado by Amerimax.
Locally-made windows installed by local replacement experts… a winning combination for Colorado property owners.
Beyond Simply Helping The Local Economy
Denver residents might remember the publicity campaigns sponsored by economic development agencies over the years which exhorted us to “Think ABC – Always Buy Colorado.”
The idea, of course, was to promote strong stimulation of our state’s economy by keeping Colorado dollars in Colorado whenever possible.
And that’s certainly not a bad idea.
But when it comes to your window replacement project, you should “think ABC” for some other very good reasons… not just because it helps Colorado’s economy, but because it’s good for your personal economy (or that of your business).
Locally-manufactured and expertly installed replacement windows offer some other “ABCs” which out-of-town products can’t… because sea-level window manufacturers don’t have to account for:
- Altitude. Windows are typically comprised of more than one pane of glass – most often, two panes separated by insulating gas (usually argon). When you ship windows from sea-level to the Denver area, that gas expands and contracts in transit, often damaging the windows before they even arrive at the project site. Get windows made in Colorado, and our higher elevation is already “baked in.”
- Bombardment By UV Rays. Speaking of baking, the frames and glass panes of your windows are subjected to much more intense bombardment by UV rays than windows have to handle at lower elevations, where they aren’t as close to the sun. Locally-made vinyl windows are designed to withstand this fierce baking, where out-of-town windows might not be.
- Climate. “If you don’t like the weather in Colorado, just wait a few minutes… it’ll change.” And that old expression is just as true today as it’s always been. In fact, the extreme temperatures we can experience in the Denver area aren’t even the worst challenge your windows face… the extreme changes in the weather – unique to our climate – can wreak havoc on windows that were built by out-of-town manufacturers who haven’t designed their products to withstand such extremes.
It’s great to help the local economy, but the ABCs of replacement windows are even more important considerations when it comes to your family’s (or your business’s) bottom line. Contact a local expert window installation company, and learn more about how locally-made windows can save you energy, hassle, and money.