If you are looking to add some to your look, why not consider purchasing a pair of cowboy boots? Not only will you look great, but you will also see a significant improvement in your overall personality when you visit Stride Wise or put on a pair of cowboy boots.
It is, however, not an easy affair to choose a pair of cowboy boots as they come in many styles. It will help if you put your head to work before you finally spot a quality pair of cowboy boots. So, let us explore the styles of cowboy boots:
- The Classic Western
Classic Western design is simple and straightforward. Usually, the shaft of cowboy boots with this design is around 12 inches long.
- The Shortie
As the name suggests, the Shortie is a shorter cowboy boot as compared to Classic Western style. Cowboy boots with the Shortie style bear a shaft of around 6 to 10 inches in height.
- The Western Workboot
Cowboy boots with the Westen Workboot style bear heels at the bottom of the boots. If you are up on your feet for most of the time during the day, then this type of boots are the most suitable for you. Boots with this style are functional, durable, and comfortable.
- The Buckaroo
The Buckaroo styled cowboy boots bear a shaft length of around 14 inches, and that is higher than that of the Classic Western. And the design and stitching are more pronounced that draw attention of the onlookers.
- The Stockman
Cowboy boots with the Stockman style have a rubber sole, shorter heel, and wider toe box.
You should not purchase a pair of cowboy boots in haste but spend some time in going through the various styles. You need to analyze which style will suit you the best. And when you find it, buy it at once. Nevertheless, you need to do a good deal of homework before you buy cowboy boots. Refer to the infographic in this post to know what you should do before you buy it.

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