How To Tackle Home Service Requirements During The COVID-19 Pandemic?

October 14, 2020

Is the air conditioner failing to release constant cool air? Experiencing uneven cooling? Or is it the faucet that keeps dripping every now and then? Well, such emergency crises do not appear according to your convenience. Be it a regular home appliance or the drainage system, issues can occur eventually. And, all these situations need to be treated with recognized handyman services. But, is it safe to call over a repairman or technician at your home?

We are sure that you are rethinking all these questions. Further, the local governments are emphasizing on staying at home and not to get in touch with others, the thought of availing of a home service might need a re-think. You can try to fix the issue on your own, only if you are an expert with these aspects.

Otherwise, it is better to call in a professional, so that the mess does not conclude with a big irrevocable problem. If you are left with nothing else than the option of availing of a home repair service, then you should follow some strict guidelines. These will assure you that nothing is going to harm you and your family at any cost.

Arrange The Home Service Visit

We presume that you are going to avail of the service from any familiar service provider. Contact them if they are still offering services amid this pandemic. If yes, then you can ask them whether they are following COVID-19 instructions and precautions. You can frankly state your requirements or doubts with the professionals over the phone, and get a proper answer for all your queries. If you can get a complete assurance regarding the safety measures, then you can opt for Handyman services.

Set Of Queries Before You Schedule The Home Service

As the pandemic situation is completely new, most people do not know how to deal with the safety measures. You can ask the service providers the following queries if you find it difficult to adopt the new normal.

  • Does the vendor confirm regular health check-ups and screening of its employees?
  • What are the safety measures that the service person is going to take during the service?
  • How long is the service going to take?
  • Does the vendor accept online payments?

Before you finalize the deal, do not forget to mention that you would prefer to continue a cashless transaction. Make sure that the professionals wear PPE kits, carry sanitizer, and maintain social distance (measuring at least six feet).

What About Your Home?

If you are about to avail of any home service call, then you have to prepare your home by making sure to find disinfectant wipes in stock online first. You cannot leave the responsibilities with the vendor. For example, if the kitchen sink has encountered a blockage, then you should take a definite path for the repairer. This ensures that the handyman does not enter any other rooms, rather than the kitchen. Drag furniture and other commodities from the mapped path. Clean the area beneath the sink, so that you can avoid unnecessary touch and clean-up.

Additionally, you can disinfect the entire area where the repair is going to take place. Otherwise, you can spread a plastic wrap or washable sheet on which the technician can stand on and carry on the repair service. Ensure that your kids and pets do not come in contact with the repairer. Additionally, do not forget to keep the hand wash and sanitizers handy near the service area.

Checklist During The Home Service

This is the most pivotal part of the entire service. Once the repairer or technician appears at your home, you need to direct him or her to the affected area. Always maintain a social distance from the handyman. In addition to this, wear your own mask and gloves to protect yourself and the service person too. Before you permit the technician to enter your house, check if he or she has worn the PPE kit.

Moreover, the professional should wash hands or sanitize them before plunging into the job. If he or she skips this activity, then gently remind him or her. You can monitor the job but stay away from the handyman.

Frequently rub your hands with sanitizer. After the repair job gets done, you might have to tip the technician. Most probably, you had paid for the service previously through online payment modes. However, you can use any of the available online modes to offer a tip to the technician. Use your own pen, if you have to sign over a contract or paperwork.

How To Treat Your Home After Home Service?

Whenever the service has come to an end, then you have to perform some tasks to assure that you aren’t missing out on anything. Wash your hands with water and soap for a minimum of twenty seconds. Next, you have to clean the area where the technician offered handyman services. You have to concentrate on cleaning the circumference of approx six feet, from the location of the technician standing during the service.

Moreover, you need to clean the path through which the technician followed you. You can use paper towels and isopropyl alcohol to wipe the areas such as rugs, chairs, countertops, doorknobs. Also, you can consider disinfecting the furniture that the repairer had used. Make sure that the isopropyl alcohol does not react with the substances, especially if they have got wooden finishing.

If the floor is open and has no carpet or rug, then mop the floor. After that, use floor-disinfectant to avoid any hesitation. Lastly, do not forget to wash the masks and gloves, if washable. For the best results and satisfaction, you can have a bath after cleaning the premises.

The home service would be more straightforward if you act smartly. In case, you have to get the refrigerator repaired. So, you can inform the service provider about symptoms of the faulty refrigerator along with its brand and variant. Therefore, the technician can carry the required spare parts for the repair service. It will mitigate the efforts and save you time.

On the other hand, you can avail of DIY fixes for minor issues regarding your household commodities. For example, you can solve the running faucet problem. But, if it comes to leaking or clogged pipes or toilets, then you should not wait.


There is no restriction over projects such as repairing the roof, crafting a bench for the garden, etc. In case you are thinking of a modular kitchen renovation, then you should wait, because the entire process is going to take much longer. And, it increases the chances of getting infected, as well. Thus, health should be your prime concern and nothing else. For instant and safe solutions to home service calls, avail safe and reliable handyman services only.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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