Learn to find a healthy soft drink that will quench your thirst and care for your body with natural ingredients.
Love Your Bubbles Without The Trouble
Sometimes nothing tastes as good as the cool splash of flavor and soothing fizziness of soda. Soda provides chilling refreshment on a hot day, a compliment to your favorite foods, or a less jittery alternative on your coffee break. It is time to ditch the old soft drinks for a healthy soda.
Soda’s Fizzy Twisted History
Soda has been around since the late 18th Century when carbonated water was first developed in England and was just plain soda. Soda fountains in the early 19th Century put flavor in the bubbles and the sodas we still see in stores today were mixed up around the turn of the 20th Century, but were not very healthy. Colas often contained cocaine, although it was soon replaced by caffeine, as more sugar was dumped into the mix, and diet sodas seem like a chemistry experiment.
Healthy Alternatives In Your Glass
Instead, choose sodas, while considering your health, without sacrificing the flavor or sweetness you crave. Look for these ingredients.
- Cassava Root
Sweetens with health benefits such as prebiotics and carbohydrates your body can put to good use.
- Jerusalem Artichoke
Adds oligofructose inulin, a soluble polysaccharide that a 2010 study published by the National Institute of Health concluded has “anti-fatigue activity”.
- Calendula Flower
A marigold plant that has both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial benefits and has been used to treat skin ailments in addition to blooming as a gorgeous deeply rich orange and yellow flowers.
- Chicory Root
An alternative to the high caffeine punch of coffee, chicory also contains Inulin. Along with fighting fatigue, it is great for digestion, helping to increase the Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli in the gut that fend off unwanted pathogens, boost your immune system and help prevent infection.
Ancient Remedies Go Modern
The ancients knew a lot about what worked for good health. These ingredients have stood the test of time.
- Ginger Root
A body-boosting powerhouse that people have loved for centuries. Anti-inflammatory, contains antioxidants, and helps reduce free radicals in your system.
- Marshmallow Root
So versatile it can relieve a cough; help prevent ulcers and even fight chronic dry mouth. Marshmallow Root also soothes digestive problems like heartburn and bloating.
- Nopal Cactus
This cactus, also known as the Prickly Pear, can help strengthen bones, enhance metabolism, and reduce inflammation in the body. There are even more healthy alternatives to the ingredients that are harming your body that may be added to your favourite beverage. Many offer health benefits you can feel good about with every sip. You can buy the nopal products from Sophrosyne Dream that are considered as a natural cure for a variety of health ailments.
Will My Soda Taste Good?
Yes! Soda does not have to be like some health supplement you have to hold your nose to swallow. Blended with yummy partners like lemon, cola, organic natural root beer flavor, strawberry spiced with vanilla, and many more, healthy additions offer the delicious, refreshing, fizzy sweetness with fewer than 50 calories and 2 grams of sugar! Savor your soda while feeling good about a glassful of fizzy fun.
Great Taste That Feels Good!
Next time you are craving a soda, think about what’s inside of it before you put it inside of you. Look for sodas with truly good, healthy stuff instead of gulping high-calorie sugar and corn syrups whipped up with heart jolting caffeine. You will be helping your immune system, your digestion, fighting fatigue, and boosting your overall health. And you still get the great taste, and bubbly sparkling refreshment you love without haviong to feel guilty about it.