If you want a vacation to be quite adventurous and exciting, then it will be best for you to go for wild camping. It can be a fun outdoor endeavor which will bring some excitement and great experience. If you love nature and love some challenges, then this type of camping is ideal for you. Whether you want to camp in tents or hammock or in bivy, you can try everything. There are many amazing spots for wild camping in England. But the laws can vary from one place to another. So, if you are planning to go for such a camping trip in England, you have to know some of the most important things.
Where To Wild Camp In The UK?
There are some amazing and beautiful sites available for wild camping in the UK. If you are planning for a camping trip, here are some of the best locations that you can try:
1. The Mammores in Scotland
Scotland being a beautiful country itself, you can find some amazing spots for camping there. The Mammores is one of the best ones, which is located to the south east of Fort William. With a picturesque panoramic mountain view, this can be an ideal place for camping.
2. Grisedale Tarm in Lake District
Lake District provides some amazing spots to wild camp. One of those spots is Grisedale Tarn. With cracking views all around you, this place can be quite a mesmerizing place for camping. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides and you can feel a lot close to nature here.
3. Yes Tor In Dartmoor
This is surely one of the best places to wild camp in the United Kingdom. The Yes Tor is the highest point of the area and you can trek or hike to the camping site. For the ones who love a more isolated and quieter place for camping, this can be the ideal site for them.
4. Haystacks in Lake District
Another great place to wild camp in Lake District, UK is Haystacks. The shimmering water and majestic mountains on all sides can offer a soothing sensation for you. This place also got the status of UNESCO World Heritage and became quite popular after that. The best part is that you can enjoy clear nights where you can stargaze or even watch over Ennerdale Water and Buttermere from there.
What Camping Gears Are Essential For Wild Camping?
When you are going for wild camping, there are some of the essential gears or things that you have to pack. You cannot forget or miss out any of these things behind. So, here is the list of those essential items and you can make a checklist to keep a track on your packing:
- A waterproof, durable and lightweight tent
- Or you can also select a hammock (whatever is convenient for you)
- A sleeping mat or a sleeping bag
- Waterproof rucksack or backpack to pack your belongings
- A flashlight and a head-torch along with the spare batteries
- First aid kit with all essential medicines
- Matches or a lighter
- Plenty of water in the flask
- Camping stove
- Cooking utensils as well as eating utensils (basic)
You can add some more things that you will like to carry but make sure you pack light. When you are going for camping, you need to pack the most essential items first and then pack the other optional things. A small amount of liquor in a handy hip-flask would be perfect too to help you keep warm while you enjoy the night gazing at the stars.
Tips For First-Times In Wild Camping
Are you going for wild camping for the first time? It can be quite overwhelming for you but don’t worry as it will be okay. Here are some tips for the first-timers to have a great experience:
Tip 1: Make sure to research well about the place where you are going to wild camp. It is important to know all the laws and rules there.
Tip 2: As the new normal has started, it is important to check the restrictions that are newly started due to Coronavirus.
Tip 3: Do not leave any trace where you will wild camp. You have to clear the area once you are done camping.
Tip 4: Invest in a good quality tent as it will protect you from different weather conditions. Make sure it is waterproof and durable in nature.
All these tips and information will help you to have the best experience in wild camping in the UK. You can pick up a great spot for you and do proper research. Pack your bags following the checklist given above and head straight for an amazing experience.

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