Turtle Beach Guide: How to raise a turtle

April 16, 2021

What you need to keep aquatic turtles for the first time, how to set up a breeding aquarium, types of feed (food), etc. We have compiled information useful for breeding.

  1. How to distinguish between male and female

Male and female turtles can be attached by the tail. The male tail is long and fluffy, with the cloaca outside the rim, the female is fine, and the cloaca is inside the cloaca. It is difficult to distinguish between baby turtles.

  1. Types of turtles

Here are some popular turtles that you often see in pet stores and home improvement stores.

slider The real name is the red-eared slider, which is native to the United States. It grows to 25 cm or more. Most popular.

Reeve’s turtle
A turtle that lives in Japan and China and has a yellow line on its neck. Reeve’s turtle turtles are also called “sen turtles”.

Japanese pond turtle An endemic species of Japan. I prefer rivers with clean water. “Sen turtle” is originally the name of the baby turtle of the Japanese pond turtle. The shape and color are similar to “sen”.

Razor-backed turtle

Even the parent turtle is as small as 15 cm. Often in the water. The temperament is rough, so it is not suitable for other turtles or breeding a large number of turtles.

Inhabits the forest on the riverside of the Chinese box turtle . With the limbs and heads retracted, the lower one sticks to the upper one to form a box. The ones that inhabit Iriomote Island and Ishigaki Island are natural monuments. Spotted turtle A turtle with black spots and yellow spots that look like stars. Even a parent turtle is as small as 13 cm. Native to North America.

How to feed

Give it once a day (2 to 3 times for baby turtles) so that there are no leftovers. It is also important to observe whether you are eating properly. The remaining food will pollute the water, so remove it frequently.

 About hibernation

Turtles in nature hibernate when it gets cold (November-March). You can breathe in the water, so let’s hibernate as shown in the figure. Do not feed during hibernation. It is said that hibernation also affects breeding, and if you try to breed, you need to hibernate.
However, it is not always necessary to hibernate, and if you hibernate a weak turtle such as a baby turtle, you may die as it is. To keep it without hibernation, use a heater or keep it in a warm room to keep the water temperature around 20 degrees Celsius.

About breeding

Setting up a spawning area Since spawning is done on land, make sure that the land area inside the breeding container has a thickness of 10 cm or more.

After spawning
, dig up immediately after spawning and adjust the temperature and humidity.
* Even if the eggs are laid outside the spawning area, they may hatch if they are picked up within 24 hours.

The top and bottom of the egg will be determined within 24 hours, so immediately magically mark the top and bottom of the egg and never turn it upside down. It hatches in 1.5 to 2 months.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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