Cisco 300-425 is one of the concentration tests that you can choose to go for to obtain the CCNP Enterprise certificate. There are six options in total and this one is all about the design of Cisco enterprise wireless networks. To be able to pass it, you need to have thorough preparation and use reliable materials. However, before that, it is important to know the details of its structure and format so that you know what to expect. Therefore, let us dive into these details.
What Is Cisco 300-425 ENWLSD?
300-425 ENWLSD is the second name of the Cisco 300-425 ENWLSD CCNP Enterprise Certification 300-425 test, which is used during the registration process. During this phase, you will also be able to choose between Japanese and English. To pay for registration, you should prepare $300 and use your account on Pearson VUE. If talking about the exam format, you will have to deal with 60 multiple-choice questions within 90 minutes. The items can also be in the format of drag and drop, testlets, or fill-in-the-blank. To obtain the certification, you will need to gain about 825 points of the overall score.
What Cisco 300-425 ENWLSD Topics Should You Learn?
Before checking all the possible prep resources to start learning, you need to first know which topics are covered in the exam content. Thus, you will be able to understand which areas to study and if the materials you have chosen are relevant to the test. All in all, the content contains the following domains:
- Mobility
- Wireless Site Survey
- Wired Infrastructure & Wireless Infrastructure
- WLAN High Availability
Each topic has the subsections that you need to explore, so it is important to learn the details in the official exam blueprint and check the Cisco website.
How Can The Official Resources For Cisco 300-425 ENWLSD Help You?
Having thorough preparation guarantees that you gain the solid knowledge and all the needed skills to pass the qualification test and be able to perform the required tasks afterwards. That is why Cisco offers the Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks v1.1 training course for the Examlabs Cisco 300-425 ENWLSD CCNP Enterprise Certification exam. This is one of the official options that you can use that is perfect for taking in any combination with other materials. The course provides you with the knowledge that you should possess to design Cisco wireless networks and be able to plan advanced designs of Cisco wireless products. It covers the design specifics from the scenario design concepts into the post-deployment validation as well as through the installation phase. This training is available for five days of learning and can be taken as on-site instructor-led training, virtual instructor-led training, or e-learning option. Each variant includes the hands-on lab practice as well. It is a good prep tool that you can use it with any study guide, practice tests, and even exam dumps.
Going for one of the official resources is a wise decision, especially when you are opting for the training course. It is convenient to take it and use some other study materials alongside to increase your chances of success during Cisco ExamSnap 300-425. So, do not hesitate, enroll for this course and bring your exam dumps with you!