Eight Ways To Winter Proof Your Home

July 26, 2021

If you are living in or planning on living in a country with a cold climate, you should make sure that you know how to winterproof your home. Remember that the winter season could get very cold, and if you want to stay safe and warm during the wintertime, it is important that you know how to protect your home against the cold. Here are eight ways to winterproof your home.

  1. Line Your Windows

When it comes to effectively protecting your home from the winter cold, it is important that you line your windows with insulation so that the cold does not get in. 

One of the best ways to line your window is to use weatherstrips. Weatherstrips are perfect for keeping the draft from going through your windows, because they will be able to keep your windows as airtight as possible.

  1. Seal Gaps Under Your Doors 

One of the main causes of the cold coming into the house is the gaps under the doors. As a rule, you should make sure that you seal them as tightly as possible. 

When it comes to sealing your doors from the cold, there are a variety of ways you could do so. One of the most effective ways is to install door sweeps to the bottom of your door. This will help keep out the cold air and further insulate your home. 

When you install your door gaps, it is important that you measure them well. If your door sweep does not fit, it really will not help with the draft coming in. Just remember that door sweeps are not permanent fixes, and you will need to replace them every three years. 

Yet another way you could stop the cold from getting through your door, is to apply foam tape to the edges. These types of tapes are perfect for doors that are slightly warped, and could help cover these openings easily.

  1. Spread Radiator Heat Around Your Walls

One of the best ways to heat your home is to make sure that your radiator heat is spread evenly throughout your home. When it comes to spreading radiator heat, it is important that you clean out the air vents. Remember that most radiator heat passes through the vents, and if it is clogged up with dust, it will not function well. If you are going to clean out the vents, it is important that you are as sanitary as possible. 

Make it a priority to wear a face mask and gloves as you clean the vents. It is also a good idea to sanitize your hands once you are done. Remember that air vents are usually very dirty, and if you do not wash your hands or take a bath, you might have a lot of dust and bacteria on you.

  1. Insulate Your Walls

Aside from sealing the gaps in your home, it is important that you insulate your walls as effectively as possible. If your walls are too thin and are not well insulated, there is a chance that the cold could seep through your walls. This will practically make your home uninhabitable. 

  1. Invest In Quality Pipes For Your Boiler

Aside from the cold getting through your walls, there is also a chance that the cold will freeze the water running through your pipes, and have them burst open. You could purchase good quality pipes from the hardware store, however, you could also opt to have your pipes customized.

There are companies such as Immould that specialize in insert molding technology. This company has an insert molding factory that will enable you to have your pipes customized. With their molding technology, you get to choose what type of materials you could use on your pipes. This will allow you to customize pipes that could withstand the cold.

With quality pipes at your disposal, you should have no problem installing dual showerheads in your home to warm you up on winter mornings. A dual shower head is multifunctional allowing you to wash without exposing your body to the cold air temperatures, it is also good for cleaning.   

  1. Clean Your Roof And Gutters

One of the most dangerous and damaging things that could happen to your home is that the roof and the gutter become too full of rubbish and water. Your roof should also be freed of any cracks or broken shingles that could cause a leak during the winter, so be sure to use a reliable roofing company when you want this area of your home inspected. Not only is it safer for everyone involved, but they also have the expertise and equipment to fix anything they find on the spot and ensure you can enjoy a comfortable winter without any unhappy surprises. 

If there are a lot of leaves and other rubbish on top of your roof, there is a chance that it will become too heavy once the snow starts falling. If your roof is flimsily built, it might collapse on you. 

As for your gutters, the water could get frozen, and get too heavy to support, so make it a habit to clean your gutters. If you clean your gutters, you should make sure that you clean out debris such as rotten leaves, trash, or even dead animals. 

  1. Use Your Ceiling Fan To Heat The Room

If you want to heat your room by using a fan, you could set up your ceiling fan to move in a counterclockwise motion.

Not many people know that if you have your fan move in a counterclockwise motion, it will blow hot air instead.  

Aside from using your fan, you could also install a thicker curtain on your windows. These will help keep the hot air in your home.

  1. Have Your Home Checked By A Professional

If you want your home to be as safe from the winter cold as possible, it is very important that you have your home checked by a professional. 

You could check with a seasoned carpenter or an architect on how to properly fix your home.

If you do not want to spend too much, you could also check with guyabouthome. It is a website that specializes in home design and carpentry, and it could provide you with the best building advice


If you are thinking of winter-proofing your home, it is important that you know what to do. With these tips, you will be able to make your home safe for the wintertime. 

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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