Washington D.C. has a lot of history built into it. As America’s capital, it works to inform everyone about how far we have come so that we can set our sights on how far we need to go. Although, there are dozens of museums within this city, they cannot all be winners. These are the top museums in D.C. and why they are worth a stop, whether you have some time to kill before getting a car service to bwi or you’re planning a long stay in the city. When planning to visit museums in Washington D.C with Black Limo Service Washington there are also good hotels near the area to spend your stay and enjoy the historical places in D.C, for more information be sure to check out Hotels Near DC Metro.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Location: 100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl SW.
Reviews: 4.8 stars out of 5 stars.
Year Constructed: 1960.
This memorial museum aims to show visitors the atrocities that were done against people and shows the real toll of human life. Using precise measurements, like wedding rings or shoes, this museum walks visitors through what every holocaust does and its means to the people who live through it and die in it. Although, this can be extraordinarily heavy and hard to discuss, it is vital to know when moving forward.
National Museum of African American History and Culture
Location: 1400 Constitution Ave. NW.
Reviews: 4. stars out of 5 stars.
Year Constructed: 2003 to 2016.
Formally opened in 2016 with a ceremony held by President Barack Obama, there’s nothing as important as this museum in recent years. This museum walks visitors through the history of black people in America, discusses how and why they were forced to come here, and those who immigrated on their own over time, and then discusses the treatment people had to endure. Although, this can be a hard museum to stomach, it’s a vital part of the nation’s history and is important to know.
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Location: 600 Independence Ave SW.
Reviews: 4.3 stars out of 5 stars.
Year Constructed: 1976.
The Space Race is part of what formed our country’s personality and showed the drive we have to complete anything we set our minds to. Although, we were the first country to land on the moon, that’s not where our space journey stopped or ended. This museum walks visitors through the importance of space travel, what it means for us as a nation, and what we can still do moving forward. This is a museum that’s constantly updating and changing as discoveries and inventions are made. This museum has enough exhibits that rotate through that the only way you’ll get to see them all is by looking at Washington, DC houses for sale!
National Museum of the American Indian
Location: 4th St SW.
Reviews: 4.5 stars out of 5 stars.
Year Constructed: 1989.
The United States is still coming to grips with the reality of what happened to the people who occupied this land before the colonies arrived. Although, much of this is rooted in history, many parts of this museum explain what is going on in daily life in modern indigenous people’s lives and what has brought us to this point. For those who did not learn more than textbooks used to teach in the 1940s to early 2000s, this can be eye-opening and shocking. While the main goal is to inform, it is a good way to learn how to help these people in modern times.