Signet Rings: Always In Style

September 28, 2021

Fashion has been emerging at quite a pace, but some things will always be a statement. And just like diamonds and oxidised jewellery, silver signet rings can also never go out of style. Regularly viewed as the “noble man’s ring,” the signet ring has been around since the times of the Old Testament when it was used as an individual mark or image of a family legacy. Commonly it bore a family symbol or another image addressing a person on its discernable level bezel. A design was normally engraved either directly into the ring’s metal or an inset pearl and afterwards fixed into wax or earth wax to make the individual seal or mark.

The History Of The Signet Ring

The now-common concept of seals was earlier used in civic establishments. In old Mesopotamia, engraved tube-shaped seals were made out of stone and used to make impressions in the dirt. And bragged by Pharaohs, faience and crude stone, rings have been discovered dating back to Ancient Egypt, displaying the tags of divine beings in hieroglyphics.

In the Late Bronze Age, signet rings began to embrace the appearance that is perceived today. And by 323 BC, their usage for statement purposes grew common; King Mithridates VI of Turkey was one of the few men who boasted quite a wonderful and aesthetic signet collection.

By the fifteenth century, the invention of sealing wax had signet rings progressed from being made with a peaky cutting to intaglio, which implied their style was indented. Meanwhile, this would affect the wax all the more viably.

What Makes A Ring, A Signet Ring?

Silver signet rings have a level bezel, and a design is normally engraved in intaglio. The design is frequently engraved as a perfect representation to make sure it seems the right way around when pushed.

Seals made of wax were frequently used to validate a report and were typical in most regal chanceries before the final years of the tenth century. Pretty much every respectable individual flaunted a signet ring crafted with their family’s emblem. And over the long run, sealing in wax comparatively faded, and by the mid of the thirteenth century, freemen took on the training.

Signet Rings Now

Today, the elitism related to signet rings is falling endlessly. Certain individuals decide to have their family emblem engraved on their rings; however, others choose to be more innovative. Some wear them consistently, while others just put them on for exceptional events. Moreover, they are commonly gifted to celebrate the 21st birthday or as wedding bands. For those interested in buying thier own signet ring, Oxford Signet Ring Co offers a wide range of options, allowing for both traditional and modern designs.

Silver signet rings can likewise indicate enrollment to a community. Indeed, in the 21st century, Freemasons flaunted signet rings to mark themselves, and military men used signets to showcase their rank or status. They are additionally worn by individuals who reserve the option to carry weapons.

The reputation of signet rings keeps on expanding. Besides, the picture of the signet ring has been helped by certain depictions in mainstream society. For example, in Tom Ford’s film “A Single Man”, the protagonist, played by Colin Firth, wears one such ring.

So, regardless of whether you wear the ring as a superficial point of interest, for validation or basically because it was given over to you, a signet ring is viewed as a characteristic of the rich gentleman.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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