How To Pack A Duffle Bag Like A Pro

October 25, 2021

Travel is not one size fits all, so neither should be your luggage. Not every trip is suitable for a rolling suitcase or traditional backpack — that is where duffel bags save the day. You might find that these bags are best for longer trips, expeditions, and even moves! They fold flat for storage, making them easy to hide away when you are not on the go. 

For all the pros (and there are many!), packing one efficiently seems daunting for first-time duffel owners. After all, you are dealing with one large compartment rather than many pockets. Packing a duffel does not have to be stressful, and also a duffle bag that is odor proof though! Here are four essential tips to pack like a pro: 

1) Use The Right Size Duffel

If it has wheels, you can roll it in place of a suitcase. This makes it an extremely convenient piece of travel gear — especially if you need to move around frequently during your travels. If you do not want this hassle, choose something else instead. A carry-on bag will do just fine as long as you remember the golden rule: Keep it lightweight and compact.

2) Choose Your Carry On Bag Wisely

Not sure which type of carry-on you should use? Consider how much space you will really need once you are traveling and what kind of things you plan to bring along. For example, if you know you will only need to take clothing items with you, then a small roller case may suffice. But if you also anticipate bringing electronics or other bulky equipment, consider choosing a larger option. Or opt for two separate cases if you prefer. That way, if anything gets damaged or lost while being transported from point A to B, at least you will not lose everything you packed into one big container.

3) Create Space To Organize Your Items

It is important to give yourself plenty of room to store your belongings inside your duffel. Depending on its length, width, and height, you could easily fill up more than half of any particular model before having enough extra space left over for anything else. So keep your eyes peeled for ways to make the most out of each inch. One clever trick is to fold down the top flap of the interior pocket, giving you another couple inches of usable space. Another good idea is to create compartments within the main body of your bag. Using dividers, organizers, or plastic bins, you can divide your belongings logically by category. Make sure they fit snugly but are not too tight; otherwise they will become uncomfortable after repeated uses.

4) Do Not Forget About Storage Options

Your choice of carry-on depends partly on whether you need additional storage options. Even if you decide to forego carrying a personal item like a laptop computer or tablet, chances are you still require some sort of device to charge your phone or listen to music. And since you probably don’t want to lug around a power adapter, consider adding a USB charger or portable battery bank to your bag. These accessories offer portability without sacrificing convenience.

The same goes for clothes. While you obviously would not want to wear the same outfit twice, it is perfectly reasonable to pack multiple outfits in order to avoid feeling underdressed. In fact, packing several pairs of shoes and socks means you will never leave home empty handed again.

These guidelines are designed to help anyone who wants to pack their own duffels like a pro. Whether you are looking for something practical to use for moving between locations, or you simply wish to maximize your packing abilities, we have you covered!

5) Use The Right Size Luggage

While most companies offer standard sizes for both checked baggage and carry-ons, you may need to look elsewhere if you want a specific style or brand. Fortunately, sizing varies depending on the manufacturer. Some manufacturers provide general measurements for regular sized pieces, while others list exact dimensions for their products. Regardless, here’s how to figure out the right size based on the number of pounds you’d like to transport.

  • Checked Baggage

Larger airlines usually allow three standard sizes for checked luggage. Generally speaking, 30″ x 22″ x 14″ is considered ideal. Anything smaller likely requires special arrangements through your airline carrier. However, if you’re planning to fly internationally, check with your airline about international restrictions. Typically, you must measure your bag against their specifications, although sometimes they’ll let you pick whichever size you think works best.

  • Carry-On Sizes

When it comes to carry-on luggage, there isn’t always such thing as “standard.” Most major brands offer different models that vary in weight capacity, shape, color, and material composition. As a result, you may end up paying more money for less volume. When selecting a carry-on bag, weigh the benefits of purchasing a high-end product versus saving a few dollars. Based on our research, we found that most people had no trouble fitting a 40″-50″x20″-30″ bag into overhead compartments. If you do opt for an economy option, however, take note of the maximum weight limit for each type:

  • Budget Carry-On Bags – Under 20 lbs. • Economy Carry On Bags – Up to 35 lbs. • Premium Carry-On Bags – Over 50 lbs.

6) Choose A Comfortable Travel Style

If you plan on traveling extensively, then you know comfort matters. Aside from ensuring that your suitcases stay intact throughout travel, you also want to choose a style that makes long days easier on your shoulders. That said, you shouldn’t sacrifice quality just because you’ll be using your bags frequently. Consider investing in a sturdy bag made of durable materials that won’t tear or rip during extended periods of time. For instance, instead of opting for a cheap nylon handbag, invest in a leather briefcase that feels heavy yet light at the same time. This way, you get the best of both worlds. To learn more, read this article on which types of luggage work best for frequent travelers.

7) Keep It Clean And Dry During Your Trip

Whether you’re flying domestic or across continents, cleaning your bag will ensure that it stays free of germs and bacteria once you arrive back home. Unfortunately, this task often falls short due to insufficient supplies, dirty hands, and crowded airport terminals. Although you certainly don’t have to wash everything individually, you definitely should wipe off surfaces that come into contact with food items.

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Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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