Life is all about going through good and bad days with high spirits. It is sometimes normal to feel sad or distressed on the days when you are low or feel overjoyed the other days. However, you must note that these abrupt changes in the mood are not extreme and do not affect your day-to-day routines. If you are witnessing frequent mood swings, you are likely to develop a medical condition that is associated with fluctuating mood disorders. The well-experienced doctors relate the rapid mood swings to mental health issues, hormonal imbalance, drug abuse, or other health conditions. Since abrupt mood swings can cause physical and emotional exhaustion, the doctors also recommend individuals to go for mood-boosting vitamins to nourish their bodies.
What are the conditions associated with mood swings?
1. Hormonal imbalance
The improperly balanced hormones can become the root cause of mood swings, especially among women during menstruation, menopause, or pregnancy. Since the hormonal changes are associated with women’s body development or transition, they can sometimes fluctuate their mood and make them cranky. However, if the mood fluctuations are causing frequent irritation, individuals may suffer from bipolar disease. Thus, it is essential to take mood-boosting vitamins and consult with a doctor about the best treatment plan for this condition.
2. Substance use
If you are an alcoholic or use drugs frequently, you will likely experience fluctuating mood swings. This is because substance addiction can affect sleep quality and way of living, which can make you cranky and irritable. To cure the condition, individuals are advised to take stress relief pills and join the program, which helps treat substance use disorders.
3. Certain health conditions
Individuals who are going through prevailing health conditions like hyperthyroidism, fluctuating blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, etc., are also likely to experience mood swings. This is because these conditions affect your central nervous system and can interfere with your everyday lifestyle. It is advisable to start with the appropriate treatment for these conditions to eliminate the associated symptoms of mood fluctuation.
What can be the common triggers of mood swings?
Even if the moon fluctuations are happening due to the above-mentioned conditions are any prevalent disease, here are certain things that can trigger your mood swings, including:
- Stressful situations at the workplace or in your personal life
- Significant changes in your life like moving to another city or switching a college/school/job
- Improper eating habits like consuming junk food on a regular basis or not adding enough nutritious food in your regular meals
- Abrupt sleeping habits or not having enough night’s sleep
- Certain medications like birth control pills can also hamper your sleep quality and lead to mood swings.
If you have recently started to experience mood swings, mood-boosting supplements can help you combat the symptoms. However, if the moon shapes have become severe, consulting the doctor is the best possible call. The doctor or Health Care specialist can make a plan for some Lifestyle changes and eating habits to suppress the triggers and prevent mood swings altogether.