In the past, the summer was a time for kids to explore the world and expand their horizons. However, ever since the advent of the smartphone, it has looked somewhat different. Kids remain glued to their devices, seemingly uninterested in the world around them.
The trick here is for parents to find fun things for them to do that re-engage them with the world. Here are some of the things that you can try:
Blow Bubbles
It might sound simple, but it sure is effective. Blowing bubbles can keep kids entertained for hours, and it gives them an experience they simply can’t get through their devices.
There are a couple of ways you can introduce bubbles to their lives. You can either do it through a classic hand-held set where they blow through the dipstick, or you can buy automatic bubble machines. Both experiences are a lot of fun and offer kids something unique.
Go To An Adventure Swimming Pool
Standard leisure center swimming pools tend to be a little dull. While they provide lanes for doing laps, they do not offer kids much in the way of fun.
Adventure swimming pools are different. These offer diving facilities, water jets, jacuzzis, wave machines, rapids, flumes and paddling pools. Many also come with big slides for both adults and kids to enjoy.
Try Berry Picking For The Afternoon
Most kids love berries. They are sweet, tangy, and delicious. And, interestingly, you do not always have to spend a fortune on them at the grocery store. Many grow in local woods.
The best time for picking berries is the summer and fall. You might find some edible species in the winter, but this is rare.
Go Digging For Fossils
Do you remember when you first found out how long ago dinosaurs lived? It was a mind-blowing experience. How could the world be so old?
As you grew up, you began to accept time periods of millions of years but for kids, it is all still brand new. For many children, fossils are fascinating relics.
Going fossil hunting can have a lasting effect on how they see the world. It is also a great way to use any old shoe boxes you might have lying around. Just place any muddy fossils you find inside them and then clean them up when you get home to see what you have found.
Go Camping For A Week
Kids spend all year in school. Therefore, when the summer arrives, the priority should be to get them outside and enjoying the fresh air.
Camping trips are the best way to do this. Plus, they provide valuable family bonding opportunities. You and your children can have long conversations, stare at the stars at night, cook together and go hiking in the local countryside.
Go To The Park For A Picnic
Getting the kids together for a picnic can be a fun activity for everyone. And, for some unknown reason, picnic food always seems to take better than food you eat in the house. Why is that?
Go For A Long Bike Ride
Summer’s evenings are perfect for bike rides. The long evenings combined with the warm temperatures and sun low in the sky make for perfect conditions. Just make sure you get home before dusk.
Visit The Local Duck Pond
Ducks have a lot to teach people about life. What’s more, everyone loves them.
If you decide to feed the ducks, do not give them white bread. This is bad for their digestion and can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Your best bet is to go to a local animal food supplier and ask them if they have any pellets for wild waterfowl. Domestic products are also okay, as long as the protein content is not too high. Check with your local dealer to make sure that they have suitable feed available.
If they do not, you probably have items in your panty ducks can eat. Wild ducks, for example, are quite partial to regular green garden peas!
Send Your Kids On Surf Camp
The summer is also an opportunity for kids to learn skills they would not ordinarily acquire, such as the ability to surf. On vacation, they rarely have the opportunity to develop their skills fully or in a structured manner. However, on surf camps, they get training from certified instructors who can help them focus.
Getting kids into surfing early in life is important. Once they learn the technique and develop the necessary muscle memory, it is a bit like cycling: they will never forget what they have learned. This means that they can pick up a surf board whenever they like in the future and go out and enjoy themselves on the water.
Make Your Own Piñata
Playing a game of piñata can be a lot of fun, but making one is even better. Kids can decide what to make it out of, what treats to put inside, and how to decorate the outside. Then finally, they can smash their creation to bits with their friends.
Have A Game Of Balloon Tennis
Regular tennis is a little too fast-paced for young kids. However, playing it with balloons slows things down enough to make it a lot of fun.
Alternatively, you can send your kids to tennis lessons to get to grips with the sport. The more they learn early in life, the more they will develop the skills they need later on.
Make Your Own Playdough
Most parents buy playdough from the store. However, you can also make your own in less than ten minutes. Just make sure that you follow an approved recipe that does not contain any nasties.
Go Star-Gazing
During term time, kids do not always have much time to just sit in nature and enjoy the sky. They spend most of their time doing homework.
But with star-gazing, they can take a break from all that and see reality for what it really is.
Star-gazing is a very location-specific activity. You will not get much joy in a city. But if you head out of town away from all the street lights, you will get a better view of the night sky.

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